Taking faith steps

I have made a major decision to change for the better. So far all the failures and disappointments I take full responsibility. The weaknesses in truth my fellow friends and brothers told me is validated and convicted in my heart.

Change won't be easy, but for Christ's sake I must.

God is always there not to condemn or punish us when we fail Him, He is there to ensure that we can never become so worthless and utterly broken that He cannot pick us up again.

I'm being reminded of the faith of the people in the bible in God and the reasons why many triumphed over obstacles and huge tasks were because they knew God's Word, and followed it. Whereas those who flopped, they knew God's Words too, but they did not follow.

In my life, it is not about me anymore, It is about God. I must remind myself again. I must not live to satisfy my selfish desires, selfish interests. Taking a blind eye to God's guidance will reap consequences I'm afraid will be too much to bear already.

I must follow Him closely. I must follow Him closely. I must follow Him closely. =)

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