Just as we seek what we Lost, God seeks what He lost

Just as we seek what we Lost, God seeks what He lost

It has been really long since I last updated.. personally I'm struggling with academic studies but yet at the same time, God has been showering blessings upon me for the past semester.

I feel I do fail God a lot of times as I'm still suffering from "giving up" and also struggling with temptations not to study but God's Love is enduring, He showed me His grace for me this week even as I went through one of the most frustrating weeks (in terms of academic) and also one of the most fruitful (in terms of ministry).

Just this week we had a Blessings project, where I went around the school (along with other fellow Christians) to give out hot beverage on a cold night with some light snacks. That night when I went home I actually lost my wallet. But being too tired out, I did not realise this until the next day. And so, the hunt for the wallet began, with me not pinning much hopes of getting it back. Perhaps the only Blessing in disguise as I thought to myself was that my Matriculation Card (needed for sitting Exams) was not lost as it was in the hands of a Canteen holder whom we placed orders for the hot drinks.

God used this extended time to show and reveal to me once again His heart for the Lost. As I searched for my wallet, I wasn't panicky. Neither was I anxious. But on the journey, God reminded me of what He spoke in the Bible to the Pharisees to reveal God's own heartbeat for something He lost:

This was a series of 3 parables that came one after another to illustrate a single point: That God desires to seek out what He has lost and God is determined and joyful to find it.

The verses are at Luke 15:1-32.

The context of these 3 passages was that the Pharisees saw Jesus sitting down with people deemed unfitting to enter the Kingdom of God: Tax collectors (despised for they worked for the Romans), Sinners (deemed unclean and not to get close to). They were puzzled that Jesus, a man whose powers come from God and is a Rabbi is actually getting CLOSE to these people. Does He not actually know these people are just "not the type" who would enter heaven?

Jesus here spoke not just 1 but 3 parables in a row to Reveal God's own heart to us.

1) The Parable of the Lost Sheep:
a shepherd lost a sheep, and searches high and low, going to great measure to find it back.
And when he found it, he asked his friends to share his joy. Finding 1 lost sheep is even more joyful to be happy than 99 who are not lost...

2) The Parable of the Lost Coin:
a woman loses a silver coin and searches the house carefully to find it. and when he finally finds it, she calls for joy with her friends. Jesus again compares it to the repentance of a sinner that is the joy of the Lord.

3) The Parable of the Lost Son:
Perhaps the most well known, actually, the Father had 2 lost sons. One being the younger who asked for inheritance only to waste it away, returning to his father feeling unworthy to be His fathers son.

But his father had been waiting for him to return, and rejoiced at his return and restored his status as his son. And while his elder son now becomes angry, he also seeks for the elder son initiatively when the elder son fumes and refuses to return to the house.

Here we see God was actually telling the Pharisees that those they saw as worthless are the ones that God wanted to seek out and reconcile with. (Hence 1 sinner who repents over 99 Pharisees who don't need to, also the lost coin). And finally the lost son(s) the father rejoices over whats lost and found more.

God seeks the Lost, who are actually you and me, the people out there who are needing Him one way or another. If I lost my wallet and found it back, I'm joyful, I can imagine the joy of the Lord at seeking and finding His own people He lost through the Fall.

And its reassuring to know one only seeks what belongs to Him. For me, it was my own wallet. But for God, He seeks our own hearts, which belongs to Him. We must therefore mean a lot a lot to God Himself =)

101st post!

Wow. I hit a century finally =)

Time really flies when life is preoccupied with work that is endless. Reflecting on a verse from Ecclesiastes 5: 8- 18 really spoke to me about just how finite and seemingly short it is. Life is really too short to be about ourselves. And God rightfully made it this way so we would fathom at His marvelous creation, that has withstood the merciless passing of time.
(this is a picture I took from the airplane.. can't even see any land in the vast ocean!)

Have you ever wondered just how small the Earth is in this galaxy that we don't even fully understand? Or even how small we are on the face of the Earth? Yet sometimes, as we live our lives, I get the feeling sometimes that we are living for ourselves. This life is all about me. How I want to do things, who I want to become, what I will do in the future..... and before I know it, i have already hit 23 years old.

After going abroad and pouring through videos about the world out there, living for myself seems too small a purpose to live for. When I am complaining about my new shoes giving me sores on my feet, probably somewhere else in the world people are running around without shoes.. :X

God really opened my eyes to see that life is not about us. If this life were all there is to it, how meaningless would it be the day we breathe our last. Perhaps this is best described in:

Ecclesiastes 5: 8- 18
" 8 If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still. 9 The increase from the land is taken by all; the king himself profits from the fields.
10 Whoever loves money never has enough;
whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.
This too is meaningless.

11 As goods increase,
so do those who consume them.
And what benefit are they to the owners
except to feast their eyes on them?

12 The sleep of a laborer is sweet,
whether they eat little or much,
but as for the rich, their abundance
permits them no sleep.

13 I have seen a grievous evil under the sun:
wealth hoarded to the harm of its owners,
14 or wealth lost through some misfortune,
so that when they have children
there is nothing left for them to inherit.
15 Everyone comes naked from their mother’s womb,
and as everyone comes, so they depart.
They take nothing from their toil
that they can carry in their hands.

16 This too is a grievous evil:
As everyone comes, so they depart,
and what do they gain,
since they toil for the wind?

17 All their days they eat in darkness,
with great frustration, affliction and anger.

18 This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot. 19 Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. 20 They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart."
Indeed, life has too many things that we don't even make sense of before we die, yet one thing God revealed was for Man to enjoy the fruits of our labour, no matter how temporal it may be, truly, it is better to earn enough to enjoy life to the fullest compared to earning billions and not having the life to spent it.

I do hope as I grow into maturity in Christ, I will also learn to depend on the Lord, and just like verse 20 says (seldom reflect on the days of our life, as God keeps our hearts occupied with gladness in our hearts).

There has only been this One God, One Jesus, One Spirit who has stood the passing of time, for He is not confined by time as He made time to pass. Even though many faith giants in the bible lived only for a while, like a sparkle fading away, they did shine brightly for they knew God, where only the finite meets the infinite, the temporal meets the eternal, the previously wanderous aimless life filled with His purpose: to enjoy the gifts in our life and to enjoy getting to know Him.

I pray that you too finds assurance, rest, peace and joy in Him. =) God Bless You!
Retreat 221010

Retreat 221010

Today had a much needed and long-awaited retreat with the Lord at some secluded coffee house in town. Drinking the ice mocha reminds me of the personal retreat time in Nagoya, except that the ice mocha in Nagoya was so much nicer.. (awwwwsss)

Looking through today, the retreat wasn't exactly planned. I had a meeting in the morning. But by afternoon after the meeting was over, my heart was too burdened to carry on. I could pinpoint that to a bit of self doubt and esteem attack happening to me as I struggle to put studies for my quizzes and ministry together as well as carving the spiritual discipline I so badly lack in my Spiritual Walk with Jesus.

I guess when I couldn't carry on anymore, Jesus was still there to pick me up. I re-looked at a verse that spoke again to me today (John chapter 21), where God was re-instating Peter for having lost his focus on Jesus and also denied Him 3 times. There and then I sat at the empty seat in front of me, sipping my ice mocha as I prayed for Jesus's presence. Sometimes, I really feel my heart and mind is so pre-occupied with the work on hand I cannot focus on Jesus.

I wanted to seek help for alot of questions. But I began on the wrong side of the mind. I started from myself. I wanted to know how the verse will speak to me in today's time, in today's struggle. Perhaps it was more correct to look to Jesus, which I did and there and then after I ranted everything out, I felt Jesus asking me each line of my complaint: "Yes, my child, I know you are troubled.. but do you Love me more than these? Do you Love me?"

Focusing on the Lord really makes all the "problems" seem unimportant at that moment, for what mattered most was that I was focusing on God. And I'm glad when in the later verses, Jesus said again: "Follow Me."

God is not really an option to choose from to solve our problems, a genie we rub from a lamp to our troubles, but He IS the One and Only Truth, the Way and the Light. The living Water, and the Living bread, whom willed for me to believe in Him. All it took was whether I believed.

And I believe.

Faith and Reason: Do they always clash?

Faith and Reason: Do they always clash?

Attended a faith and reason Q&A by Dr. Rev. Stephen Tong in my university (Nanyang Technological University). He is a famous evangelist from Indonesia and within the Chinese church community. I believe God has given him a great deal of wisdom, having him self-teaching himself alot of fields of knowledge of man. He is well versed in Chinese history, philosophy, history (probably) and etc.

I went to a similar session 2 years ago at exactly the same venue, and I'm very much thankful for the work God is doing through his life. I remember a verse in the bible that talks about worshipping God in the famous conversation in the bible with the Samaritan woman by the well:"

21Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
John 4:21-24

Now, what is meant by in Spirit and in Truth?

In this talk Pastor Stephen Tong defined reason as a way we make sense of the world around us and the 2 greatest knowledge fields of man is Science and Philosophy. Science is a quantitative way of experimenting and discovering the truths about the physical world. Philosophy can be defined as a field of thought dedicated to the systematic and rational way of making sense of the world, by thought that is.

However, many fields of knowledge of man add up and still is finite in a sense we cannot fully understand or grasp things beyond the reach of the 5 senses or our thoughts. Hence Faith comes into place to allow us to accept things that we are yet to fully grasp. That though is not blind faith we are talking about. Blind faith is dangerous and I have heard of many stories of how children die of some little illnesses because of the fact that their parents are not willing to seek medical help from doctors, claiming God will heal them. I believe firmly that God put doctors around us for a reason and miracle healings sometimes happen but is out of the norm (that why it is a miracle, as it does not happen all the time)

Putting faith in God doesnt mean blindly believing God without any basis. For the christian perspective, the Bible is a book that records an amazing testament of many 'Faith Giants' whom have placed their trust in God. The faithfulness of God in these accounts form a basic understanding of God's character as One who Loves, is faithful in keeping His promises (covenants), unchanging, Holy.. and etc. If we do not even know who is this God we believe in, how can we be sure of what we hope for?

And that is why we need to worship in Spirit and in Truth. We know that the Spirit will be with us because of Jesus' promise in John 14:15-17:

"16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will bea]" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">[a] in you."

God gave us the right to be as children of God when we repent of our sins and let Him take control of our lives as our personal Lord and Saviour. He also grants us the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Truth to guide us and be our comforter to empower us in our walk with Him. In 1Cor 12:3 it says:"Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit."

He also gave us His only Son, in Christ Jesus who says in John 14:6 :"6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." There is also the Word of God inspired by God Himself in the Bible we have. If we truly pay attention to the truths of the Bible God revealed to us, and practice them, we will be worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.

Anyone who claims to know God cannot just worship alone in Spirit, because he will have a weak foundation in the knowledge of God. Neither can a christian only worship in the knowledge of God, following the Law of the Bible but only as a knowledge itself and in self righteousness.... (this is what we call as Pharisees in bible, hypocrites who 'follow' the Word of God but do not practice what they preach).

Hence, there needs to be a balance of both, in faith and reason, in Spirit and in Truth.

Today I learnt many new perspectives too just hearing Dr. Rev Tong speak. May God really open our spiritual eyes to know Him as well as the hunger to dig into His Word for truths.

Just attaching a faith a reason video here for your viewing pleasure.. alot of it can be found on youtube... XD

On "Is our God the only God or Trinity?

God Bless!!
Blog repost: What does it mean to say yes to God

Blog repost: What does it mean to say yes to God

Originally posted on http://lisachildofgod.blogspot.com/ by Lisa on 26 Dec 2009:

Personally I feel this piece of heartfelt sharing resonates in my soul about God's character in
'getting' our response to say 'yes' and follow Him. I thank God for fellow christians whom I can grow my faith together with.

Personally I'm on a journey to find out at the same time what it truly means to follow Jesus.
Wow its been such a long time since I written on this blog. There has been so much going on inwardly and outwardly that some times it just takes time to process. To share prematurely is to release the treasure before the time is right. So recently I have been pondering what it means to say 'yes' to God. This thought has entered my mind through an Advent meditation I read on Mary. The author Kathleen Norris wrote:

Who is she, a peasant girl that an angel of God should appear before her? Who is she to bear the Savior God promised to Israel? Why should this great blessing and burden come into her humble life? Mary believes. For her question to the angel is not 'how will I know' but 'how can this be?' She has already accepted the truth of what the angel tells her. But Mary still has to assent to it, to answer 'yes'. And on that our salvation hinges. The answer depends on Mary and it depends on us.

The questions God asks us are always questions of being rather than knowing. And simply recognizing these moments, stopping for a moment because something or someone wants our attention can matter.....but it will be clear that we are being asked to say 'yes' or 'no' to embrace or ignore what God has set before us.

Like the ancient Israelites in the desert, we can long for the security of the world we know in Egypt. Slaves after all have the security of knowing their place in the world. Or like Mary, we can say 'yes' to the new, uncertain reality that promises true freedom. Say 'yes' to God will always mean more than we can possibly imagine, both for us and for others. Walls and stumbling blocks that seemed impossible crumble suddenly, as we let our fears go. Like Mary, we have no way of knowing any of this. We can ask for courage, however and trust that God has not led us into this new land only to abandon us there.

My spirit is arrested on so many levels when I read the words of this devotion. For my heart is prone to wander but God beckons me back showing me that when I say 'yes' to Him, He is opening up new vistas for me to see and doors to step through. As this year ends and a new year enfolds, I want to find myself always in that posture of willingness to say 'yes' to Christ for in doing so I am being led to a deeper faith, deeper trust, a deeper knowledge of His heart. Saying 'yes' will mean greater sacrifices, counting the cost, saying 'no' to what seems like other good choices which aren't the 'best' choices. Over the years, my desire has always been to live without regret and so saying 'yes' to God is to say 'yes' to new adventures, to walk through fears. It is truly a journey to greater freedom in Christ but is one that God calls us all to take individually. No one can do it for us but we do have the promise that when we say 'yes', God promises to go before us, to part the proverbial Red seas and Jordan rivers. Saying 'yes' may mean saying 'goodbye' to friendships that once fed our souls, to letting go and again allowing God to bring other sojourners and pilgrims who will join us in a journey of courage to a new land, the promised land that God has in store for us. Like Mary of old, I am reminded that her blessedness was born out of faith, a faith that choose to believe, that took God at His word and in so doing, lives were impacted for eternity. Oh Lord, quicken that kind of faith in me that you planted in Mary's heart so many centuries ago, that like her, each of us who chose to walk by faith and not by sight, may taste the blessedness she tasted and we may find favor in your eyes!

Following Jesus

Following Jesus

I have recently evaluated my own walk with God and I still found many aspects which I think I'm not following God right. Perhaps the greatest is in the area of aligning to God as my first and ONLY priority in life, because there are so many things I hold 'dear' to and am not willing to let go. (although I'm struggling in faith, God reminds me that it is only through times of struggle that we really grow. and I want to grow deeper in Him)

Recently, I'm reminded by God of this verse in:
Mat 19:16-30 (New International Version)

The Rich Young Man

Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?" "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments." "Which ones?" the man inquired.

Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,' and 'love your neighbor as yourself."

"All these I have kept," the young man said. "What do I still lack?"

Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can be saved?"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."


In this scenario, we have a young man (a parallel in Luke refers to him as a ruler/rich man). He is very successful by man's standards, with alot of wealth and on top of that, he is a follower of the Law of God (where he said that he abided and kept the law). But yet, when Jesus asked him to let go of all his possessions to follow Him, the man left feeling very sad.

Why did the man think this way? I really can understand because God is telling me the same thing. Am I willing to give up all my possesions and trust in Him and follow Him? Does not all that we have come from God in the first place? How did the things God gave us then overtook His place in our hearts that we are not able to let go to follow him?

Even the disciples were baffled. They were stumped. A rich ruler, fully righteous by religious standards. Even such a person could not enter heaven and so they asked:"Who then can be saved?" But, Jesus did not leave it all to doubt. He said something crucial: " With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Yes I do feel frustrated with myself many times that I still cannot change over my bad habits at times, sometimes stagnated in faith, but yet, change by my own efforts will be fruitless unless I follow God.

Am I following God? Can I leave all things behind to follow Him? Salvation is free, but to walk with Jesus, there is a price to pay:

37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Mat 10:37-39

Here, Jesus was not telling us that our parents are not important, nor that our children are not important, but was weighing the priorities of where we place Him, the Maker of heaven and Earth in our lives. If anything else can displace God at the first place, probably we never really understood what It meant to follow Christ and to let him be the LORD of our lives.

I see my cross. Yet carrying it is not easy and I flinch many times trying to carry it by my own strength. By my own it's impossible but with God I can.

No wonder God's 2 greatest commandments were:

1) Love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your Might and all your strength

2) Love your neighbours (family, frens, people you dunno) as yourself

When you first align your heart to God, He will make the relationship with men come. I will follow Jesus, and I will try not to just leave it in words nor by my mouth but in carrying my cross. Lord Jesus! Here I come!

What's suffering?

What's suffering?

I was reading christians blog when I came across this:

because I found it meaningful to let many people see how fortunate we are when we complain about the things we don't have, we fail to look at what we have.

I don't remember I run running to God complaining since the first time I ever saw a real beggar on a street while on a mission trip. not anymore.
(originally posted on http://blessingsamidchaos.blogspot.com/)
Titled: WHY
Sometimes I would like to ask God, why He allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when He could do something about it…but I’m afraid He might ask me the same question.

Today as I watched this, I cried…

My heart aches. There is so much I can be doing for those that are going without. I am so selfish at times when I only think of myself, my wants…when there are those that do without, everyday.
Go here to this blog and read about a project she is undertaking. I am joining April to help out with “It’s a Girl Thing.” Check it out! If you can use scissors, sew or make coffee to help those that can use scissor and sew…you will be a big help! Or maybe you can organize a pad party and encourage a group to help out with this project, either way, please consider helping!
Nagoya Series 2: Love Nagoya 2010 video

Nagoya Series 2: Love Nagoya 2010 video

Thank you all Japanese friends and staff for making our trip to Nagoya a fruitful and memorable one... we have not forgotten you!!

This clip is a tribute to God's great work in Nagoya and to our wonderful friends :)
Although we would have liked to include as many of the photos and videos taken but we could not.

God Bless~!!!
Happy Birthday Singapore!

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Wishing Singapore a happy birthday on this day! =)

Thank God for all the peace and prosperity He has blessed this nation with. Indeed, we have come a long way from a humble beginning when people thought Singapore will not make it as a nation of only 64km sq and with no natural resources.

I'm reminded of a quote that is etched into my head:
"God can close doors that no one can open and open doors that no one can close."

Happy Holidays!


I'll be away for a week back to the army..

Just been packing and looking through the farewell notes written by the people in Nagoya. I really miss them loads. Hope God's peace and blessings are with them.

Some thoughts running through my mind before I start the new semester I must go on a retreat:

1) why do I bible study and Quiet time
2) why do I go church
3) Am I sure what I'm believing in

I guess I have answers to all these, but I don't intend to just stop in the head. I so want to encounter God ever so badly in my life. No routine anymore, no doing things just to please people.

O God, examine my Heart, Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for Your Name in my life, thank You for giving me my daily spiritual and physical bread, thank You for forgiving me my sins, so that I can likewise learn to forgive others, thank You for saving me through temptations, bringing me away from harm.

thank You for letting me see the world out there so I do not take what You have given to me for granted. May Your Name be exalted in my life.

Nagoya Series 1: Coffee Making & Parkside Chapel

Welcome back to Heart & Soul Cafe~~! It has really been a long time since I last blogged and I must admit I have been very lazy!! My bad for the long wait!!! XP

It has really been upon my heart to put my experiences of my Nagoya mission trip on the blog so I can look back and wander off into the nolstagic moments of the trip. I guess I really owe this post to God, for allowing me to have such a wonderful experience in Nagoya. Glory be to God.

You are now looking at the very 1st series of my Nagoya trip!!!
Coffee Making & Parkside Chapel

One of the best homemade coffee you can find in Nagoya, near Parkside Chapel in Sango.
Japanese are very polite people and considerate! They don't short-change you! Even my
iced-coffee's ice were ice cubes. O_O

Many of you might be wondering.... what exactly has Coffee making got to do with this blog?? It's called Heart n soul CAFE... hmm cafe.. sounds like coffee? XD

Let me quote my very first post 2 years ago as I started this blog and why I named the blog the way it is now: "The discovery begins... as I find out more about myself & this "image" i'm in, and relate to a God who gave this image. This is a journey to find my very own "heart & soul"."

And I finally understood the part why God impressed upon my heart to name it a 'cafe' because Coffee Making is something I will do (for the very first time in my whole life). This coffee making is not the usual coffee a city dweller like myself will make from instant 3 in 1 sachets. This IS real coffee making. Haha.. before we make some coffee, let us look at the master who taught me the coffee making.

The Mr. No nonsense, coffee/food Connoisseur who is also a funny professor who wears a bow tie with a strapped pants and lives in a house likened to that of the house in the movie "UP". He is more like a character out of fantasy story LOL! He teaches English in a local University (Nagoya Gakuin University... YAY) and don't look at his friendly face! He appears friendly but can be quite intimidating... well most well-learned professors are... and you are looking at a man who is well-learned in God's Word. Yup. VERY intimidating O_O;;;

The coffee prince and my mission teamates, Priscilla and Michael
and the reason he treated us to coffee is so that we don't fall asleep
during the church sermon later! SO nice!

Masuda Sensei is really a nice person actually, and he loves to invite people to his hillside house of creepy crawlies and a smelly toilet... blah! But he is also a funny and "crazy" man! Hmm a Godly man too. Our first sunday in Nagoya was hosted by Masuda Sensei and he made us at home with his hospitality before driving us down to the Church (Parkside Chapel).

Yup and through the drive he was telling us how to walk 8 hrs from our accomodation to church... crazy in a way isn't that? But I heard from reliable sources that he did walk to church and started walking at 2am... so he can reach by 10plus.. *faints* And this is a man who owns a car powered by "tempura oil", the oil from restaurants he filters and uses as free fuel. (high-tech prof)

I had the chance to stay over at his house one saturday during the trip and it was a life-changing experience. Onsen (Japanese public bath) for the 1st time in my life and also the first time I saw the night sky in pitch darkness. All the cameras failed and I wished I could have a better camera. The perfect night view is however etched into my heart..... and if you look at the next few pictures you can imagine how dark his house is... but apparently every now and then he invites people to stayover...

The perfect coffee making tools... FRESH Coffee Beans, coffee grinder
hot water, filter paper and a flask.

Alright! Finally we got to coffee making. Hope you are not asleep yet. (make some coffee if you are). Coffee brewing is a really tough skill. It takes many years before you can brew a nice cup of coffee. So as an amateur, let me get to it!

Step 1: Buy fresh coffee beans from a local
Step 2: Get a coffee grinder. Trust me, freshly grinded coffee taste so much nicer than 3 in 1.
Step 3: patiently grind it down... hmmm done! XD
Step 4: warm the flask with hot water...
Step 5: putting the grinded coffee in filter paper, pour enough hot water so the beans absorb it.
Step 6: wash down the first brew slowly... and pour it away (kinda like tea making)
Step 7: Finally, more hot water, now but slowwwwwlllleeeeeeee
Step 8: Swirl and add more hot water, this time fast!
Step 9: leave for the coffee to filter down...
Step 10: Leave the coffee to settle a while before smelling
Step 11: smell it and swirl a few times! the fragrance should change! once it changes it's ready!

Coffee making is really tedious. unlike the 3 in 1 coffee we drink so much that we fail to appreciate the true brewed coffee to the machine made counterpart we so easily get. The homemade one is nicer by Soooooooooooo much! OK! a little coffee and here's the rest of the pictures of his nice and warm house.. actually cobwebs are everywhere but can't really tell from the pictures.

Masuda sensei in his 'formal' clothes. His casual ones he says are his suit, bow and top hat. XD
The picture was so dark I had to brighten it with software. There sits Masuda sensei and Mike, my bro for the night. haha.

The house looks like the movie UP right? right??

The little table is a hundred year old tree stump with a lamp on top of a chariot wheel.
The other chariot wheel is hanging above, with a few light bulbs. innovative... hmm.


Parkside Chapel in the background

This is the church I attended during the trip. It takes about 1 and half hrs to reach but I really like the place and the people there. Parkside chapel is one of the 'healthy' churches with a congregation of 50-70 people and it is supposedly healthy because less than 3% of Japanese are Christians. We are very blessed in Singapore to even have Mega-churches easily outnumbering them. This is also why it's hard for Japanese Christians, the lack of people to fellowship and journey together in faith with. Do pray for them!

Makio Sensei, the pastor of Parkside.

The local service setting. Very homely.
Worship during service
Kodai, one of the NGU graduates who is suffering from muscular deficiency.

Kodai is one of the strongest Japanese Christians I have met in Japan, and probably anywhere else. Suffering from disease that makes him paralysed does not stop this young man from taking part in serving the Lord, being MCs and also doing church stuff in his free time.

When I first met him, he as not in the very least sorry for himself, nor a pinch of self-pity from him I could pick up. I really feel sometimes I'm a normal person but I'm even weaker in faith as I am weak mentally as compared to him, I used to dwell on self pity and also suffer from esteem problems before I became a Christian. However!!! we are all loved by Jesus! He loves us for who we are and accepts us whole the way He made us. Parkside is really a place I took many lessons away from, the song currently playing in the blog is also a song played on one of the sundays.

I am really encouraged to know people elsewhere on the globe are living their lives for God and it encourages me to live my life purposefully as well.
So many things have yet to settle since I returned from the trip and I am still getting used to it. little by little I will edge closer to Him I believe...
Yup this is the end of the 1st series! I bet you can't wait for the next! hahahaaha. until the next time.. God Bless You!
Back from mission trip!

Back from mission trip!

Sorry dear people! been missing in action for a whole month with limited net access from Nagoya Japan. Had a few chance to log on and all I managed was to remove the comments function due to some people posting links to undesirable websites.

More to come about what I learnt on the trip! Mean while I just touched down so a bit tired. I thank God for the wonderful experience in Nagoya, thanks everyone who helped me through prayer or financial support. I couldn't have made the trip without all of you!
Praying with confidence

Praying with confidence

Many a times I pray to God but I too wonder if God actually hears us. A recent devotion was about prayer and I found the 2 verses about praying after thinking about it. Do I really have enough faith that God would provide for my needs in life? after evaluating myself... I think not. I think it is normal for anyone to start doubting God when things are not going smooth. However, this is where faith in God sets in. Do you have enough faith to trust in the facts stated about God? Let's take a look at the 2 verses:

1) From Matthew 7: 7-12:
"7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
9"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

It talks about how God is our provider for our needs in life. It could yet also be a "want" in life. God's nature is evident here as Jesus describes God's character in comparison to something we clearly know, that a parent gives the best to his child. God wants us to believe and know He wants to give us the same goodness and even more abundantly because He loves us. So clearly, as the verse went, all we needed to do is ask God for what we want.

2) From James 4: 1-3
1What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? 2You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. 3When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Here, obviously, are 2 scenarios regarding why we do not receive what we want from God. Firstly, It is plain obvious that we cannot receive what we did not ask for. We can do a lot of things to 'try' to get what we want. We can plot to get something plan. But heyy oh no. I did not really pray to ask God for it. I forgot the first and foremost thing to do was to simply open my gold-laiden mouth to ask God humbly.

And also, when we ask, sometimes we do not receive. First, check our attitude. Are we the 'God' of our lives telling (or ordering) what God to do in our lives? God is supposed to be the LORD of our lives: meaning we are His servant and not the other way round. Sometimes we ask for things that satisfy our selfish indulgence. Those are really selfish dreams that can remain as asking for the impossible. God really hears all our prayers. But He of course the maker of us knows our hearts even better.

In conclusion, I'm really reminded of how God really wants the best for us. But He respects our decisions in life too and won't really interfere unless we ask him to, for something we ask for. Then again, what we ask for must be something with the correct mindset. God is not a genie. He is not going to grant every wish we ask for but only those He knows are true needs and righteous requests/intercession on our part. =)

I'm also reminded to pray with confidence that our prayers WILL be answered.

I thank all of those who contributed to my mission trip to Japan both in Prayer and Financial needs. We have raised in full the amount as a team. Praise the Lord, who is our provider! Keep praying and trust God to work for us and through us!

I have been a little busy to update my blog because of team meetings and etc.. be off from 28th May till 25th June. Till we meet again! :D
More about time

More about time

Oh my gosh.. I have suddenly realised I have lost touch to blogging a bit. Haven't posted in almost a whole month! =D This June will be a time of rediscovering myself as I embark on a mission trip to Nagoya, Japan.

Lots of things going through my mind right now. Indeed, many a times I make bad decisions, only to bear the consequences later. Yet, I guess the one thing I would never regret is to trust in God. Not that God isn't there in the bad times. God is there anytime.

This truth is something we have a hard time convincing ourselves when things go 'bad" but hey, God IS there with us. I'm very happy to see that in an online game I'm playing, I actually meet christians and the virtual reality world is just like the real one, except the game characters are limited into a virtual frame, ours in a reality time.

I also know a few of the people who escape from the real world into a world of virtual reality. Some with terminal illnesses who live one day at a time, some with injuries so bad that they can't leave the house. Even in a virtual reality world, the person playing that character very much needs care and concern like in reality. Some of these people nearing the "end" usually display stark contrast in behaviour. One is pessimistic just sitting in game all lost hope, one wants to get all out of life there is, even if he can't get it out of the real world, the virtual reality world is good.

The only thing about games is most game have a "Save game" button, where you make mistakes, you can delete a character, start all over. "Load" button to load where you last left off the game. Yet, in real life we do not have that option. When we do make mistakes or lose our lives its somewhat like "gameover". But did anyone tell you that if you think in real life you feel all condemned, worthless, nothing to live for purposefully, all out of hope that you can't turn things around, Jesus is your "reset" button?

I just know someone from that virtual world who died due to heart problems in real life and he is only 17.. may he rest in peace.. for those living on, every death around us reminds us our stay here is temporal, and only in God can we find eternal.
Time is one way

Time is one way

There is a chinese saying: " ๆ ‘ๆฌฒ้™่€Œ้ฃŽไธๆญข,ๅญๆฌฒๅ…ป่€Œไบฒไธๅœจ。" (Which actually means: " the leaves on the tree want to be quiet and peaceful but the wind blows ceaselessly, the son longs to take care of a loved one but the loved one is no longer there).

Having attended a wake recently again, every time I would have such a niggling burden in my heart. Many believe that death is the end of life. End of all there is. The best thing a filial son/daughter could do in today's context would be to take care of the kin's funeral as a last respects.

If only death settles it. But no, its not the end.

For the christian context, there will come a judgement day where people are held answerable for their actions during their lifetime. For non-Christians, it is absurd a loving God would condemn those who do not believe in Him before He gathers those who believe in Him to Heaven. Is God fair? (as John 3:18 writes: "18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.")

To God, all man is fallen: meaning the innate nature for us is to do the reverse of seeking God and to seek our own desires. This "rebellion" of God being the authority in our life is what God sees as Sin. To God, there is no one who has not sinned and this is the real reason why we are answerable to God. Sin is not to be understood by human moralities. The standard is much higher because a mere anger towards another person is of equivalence to murder, a lust of the eye is as good as adultery...

There can only be a few answers to the world's religion today.
1) Only 1 religion is correct and the only way to salvation, the rest are wrong
2) There could be a few ways to salvation and can be done through various religions
3) All religion are wrong and man cannot save himself from death
We can believe our religion is the sole solution to salvation. If unsure, we better be informed of how to achieve salvation through all religion to protect ourselves from the wrath of the Higher being.

If the Christian perspective is indeed true and we stand sinful before God, how are we to justify ourselves when we meet Jesus? If this was indeed true there are 3 questions we might have to answer when we meet Jesus, seated on the right hand side of the Father:
1) Do we recognise that we have sinned?
2) Jesus Christ came and paid the price of sin for us. What have we done with Jesus Christ?
3) What have we done with the life God has given us?

Maybe not all of us are christians, but if it were true, the answer to these question is a matter of life and death. And the way I come to hear about God, I hope I myself will be prepared to give a account of these 3 questions or more..

Back to the topic of why I picked the quote, it was because my family are non-christians. I come from a buddhist/taoist religion background but am a Christian today. Now, if Jesus Christ is true and the world ends, I would be responsible because I did not strive hard to share Jesus and His gospel to them, causing them to not be able to be answerable to God at the end of days. If I love them, I will want how God has touched my life to touch theirs.

Easy, not gonna be. But its not too hard to try either. Nowadays, I wonder if people truly understood filial piety. Filial piety does not come after the person dies. What really mattered was what we did together with our loved ones to show we care and love them before they departed from us. Does a grand funeral reflect how filial a child is? Not necessary.

I admit God, I'm very sorry for not being a good enough testimony for You in front of my family, parents, siblings. Let me not wait anymore because " ๆ ‘ๆฌฒ้™่€Œ้ฃŽไธๆญข,ๅญๆฌฒๅ…ป่€Œไบฒไธๅœจ。"

How do we want to show love for our closest people depends on whether we make the effort to do it now or regret later when the chance is over. The same could be said that even our own lives are unpredictable. We will never know if we live to see tomorrow for sure. No one except God holds tomorrow. Let us not take it for granted.

Coincidence? O_O

Wishing all a blessed GOOD FRIDAY. And also a pranky April fool's Day =)

Oh.. I had something of an april fool's joke on me by the school... Here's how it went:

Recently sat for 2 quizzes and deciding whether to S/U it. For those who are not familiar with the University system in NTU, we have a S/U option for the electives we take. S/U = Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Meaning making it a pass fail module. However, I have been trying hard to score for the module and both the CAs I barely passed... and WHAT A COINCIDENCE. both were 32/60 ._.

I still think I will S/U it because of safety reasons.. and I have not used any of my 4 S/U options yet.. SO YAY.. 32/60... 32/60...32/60..

Yup that pretty sums up this week of relaxation.. Thank God that everything is going fine at the moment. I still have some time left for revisions for exams. Good Friday is the time we come to commemorate Jesus' death on the cross for our sakes.

Frankly I have met alot of pre-believers asking me If God was good, why did He create the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden? And If Adam did not eat it, we do not have to suffer for something we did not do wrong. And So it was God's fault his creation must be warped, if not Adam's for he ate that fruit that stuck his throat.

I really do not have definite and absolute answers to all these questions and we can speculate for all we want but there are really some things in life we might not have the answer until we see God face to face at the end of days.

Yes. God did not have to create the tree of knowledge. He didn't even have to create humans with a smart brain capable of self thought. He did not even have to create humans in the first place. He did not even have to create the world in the first place. Perhaps only an artist would understand the satisfaction of his masterpiece. Likewise, something out of our human Logic is really beyond our comprehension. We can never understand enough why or how God created the earth the way it is. Such a systematic and ordered pattern of climate, planet rotation, the perfect distance from the sun such that a little nearer we be scorched, a little further we be frozen.

Some say the creation reflects its master, and that nature itself reflects God.

Maybe there are things like natural disasters we consider bad because it rips life out of the innocent randomly. If God was good or so to speak, some would say why would there be suffering in this world, even to innocent people? Frankly, I would not want to believe God is bad. He merely "allows" things to happen. Just like when a father sees how his toddler learns how to walk, He allows the child to fall so he will eventually walk. He did not cause the child to fall down.

For me, there is a reason why these things happen: to reflect the frailness of life and the great equaliser in death. No man can escape death. And death to many its the end, but the bible talks about a judgement day where each and everyone of us has to give an account before God himself for the things we did.

I haven't realised in a while how distant I had become from God, or at least I thought so. But God is always there just right beside me, seeing me do the things I do, going through the things I work at. I have failed Him in many ways but its not the reasons to make Him detest me. It just shows that I need Him.

And God only looks at your heart~

"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man."

Proverbs 27:19 (NIV)
I've been fishing...

I've been fishing...

Living in a fast paced and competitive world of today is indeed a stressful lot for alot of people. I hardly find time for my family as I used to, not to mention with friends. Indeed, the University experience takes alot out of me, as I find myself clearing up sleep debts.

There is something even worrying, just in the last 2 months, 2 people committed suicide by throwing themselves off the blocks near my home. One was even at my block (hence, I try not to walk under no shelter in case I go to heaven early cos of it >_<). And the recent university students who did too raised a brow or two about the stress we endure nowadays.

I find myself entering a 'depression' mode sometimes too, trying to escape from the busy schedules and work and just throwing everything away. This can be done in any form of gaming, surfing the net, watching tv, eating or sleeping. But at the end of the day, I realise, I merely run away from studies. When everything gets back to where its supposed to be, I have snow-balled my work (OH ~~ NO -.-)

So, how has my walk with God (what God let me learnt through the bible helped me?) If I do not apply what the Word teaches, no matter how much I know about God and the bible, It makes no real value in my life.

As James 1:22 puts it: "Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves, DO what it says." I have so many a times brushed the murmurs of the Holy Spirit and God aside that I really cannot tell what's going on inside of me each time I feel something goes so ever wrong and I can't do anything about it.

In John 21:1-25, I learnt something yet.

After the cruxification of Jesus, the disciples were distraught. They had thought Jesus was going to bring about an earthly Kingdom which would have overthrown the Roman Empire and establish a new Kingdom in which Jesus and His disciples will reign in. However, the Kingdom Jesus spoke about was not of this world.

The distraught must have been severe because in verse 3, Simon Peter told the rest of the disciples "He was going fishing". Whatever the disciples had went through with Jesus in the 3 and half years they saw great miracles had ended. Jesus had died, and Simon Peter was about to roll-back onto his old profession (they were fishermen before they followed Christ). This was something familiar to them. It was their old way of life.

Or at least they thought so.

They fished the whole night and caught nothing. And there they heard a man from the beach telling them to cast their net on the other side. Guess who. It was Jesus. This is a parallel if you would read Luke 5. Luke 5:1-11 was an account of how Jesus first called out his disciples from fishermen to "fishers of men". Jesus was not about to let His disciples steer off the course He intended for them to live by.

Ok, there is still alot of things to read on but what value does it make to us? How can we apply this account here and now in my life?

There are indeed a few I can think about:
1) How has Jesus first called me into a new life?
2) Have I, like the disciples grown weary because we do not see God working and "goes fishing" in our lives? (the fishing may be any distraction between us and God and the way He intended for us to live.)
3) Has Jesus come to that beach by the sea to call me?
4) How will I respond to what Jesus and God has revealed to me so far?
5) How does the verses show of God's promises and providence in life?

Escaping from stress and procrastinating in studies is running away from the problem, and I will continue to "fish" as long as I do not realise the true source of providence is God. I will continue to catch nothing in life. I need to face up. Take the challenge head-on and win. I need to not forget the calling of God in my life.

It is my prayer if you been "fishing in distractions" in life and caught nothing yet, that Jesus Himself will be calling you in your heart. He is the only one who can steer us right in this world that is so ever full of things that can put us off track.
Living on the past no more

Living on the past no more

2 Corinthians 5:17 (New American Standard Bible)

17Therefore if anyone is A)">(A)in Christ, he is B)">(B)a new creature; C)">(C)the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

This verse reminds me strongly about being changed and transformed in Christ, that we shed our old ways because the things we held dear to us our priorities should all be transformed to be yielded to God.
As I look back, I have some stuff left uncleared of the "old me". It is now up to the "new me" to take charge and turn things around, which have been stagnated for sometime. As I reflect upon one previous post titled "My Heart - Christ's Home", yielding to God to take control of our lives seem easy to say out but yet so ever hard to act out.

I read a quote somewhere: "Surrendering to God is like giving all we have to God and not taking anything back, thinking we can manage better than God." But of course, we must do our own part in yielding to God's leading.

Right now is to salvage the studies~
Thoughts on today

Thoughts on today

Just had a session of weekly dose of crossroads.. the speaker was speaking about sharing Christ. It is indeed apparent that I have a tendency to want to engage in spiritual debates. I'm trying to curb it for the sake of the gospel. God's Word itself brought about that conviction in my heart:

15It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.c]">[c] 18But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice
Philippians 1: 15-18

If I can choose to do it out of Goodwill, why do it for selfish reasons like wanting to win a debate?
If I have the chance, I will want the person to know Christ, through my care and concern for the person, through the way God touched my life. Although the gospel gets shared no matter selfish reasons or not, because its God's Word that turns people to Him, I will choose to do it the way He intended for us to love thy neighbour as ourselves, to be sensitive to people's needs, to care, to be that patient listener.

In the verse above, Paul's context of rejoicing was in the spreading of the gospel. That is not wrong, but Paul is not about to encourage us to preach it the selfish way. I would like to think that the attitude behind true gospel sharing is seeing a person's need for the gospel. It is not a means by which we satisfy our self ego, nor is it something we can boast about. The end result might be the same, but the process is not.

You may ask, why are you as a christian actively/not sharing the gospel? If actively, why? Is it because it is a commandment? Or do you truly see the needs of the people through Christ? If not, are we lukewarm Christians who are just concerned with what we can get out of Christianity?

Again, we may see it as a chore, or discharging a responsibility. But the attitude speaks volume. Are we again doing it as a response of Christ's Love for us?

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. —Proverbs 31:30"

A verse to chew on for the rest of the day. Indeed so true.
The long sleep

The long sleep

Today has been a long day but fruitful day, enjoying the fellowship of fellow brothers and sister. We are taking this choir module and really enjoying the singing practices as we go about having fun and relaxing admist the busy week.

I have had a long sleep of 12 hours yesterday!! It must be really wierd that last time I couldn't sleep when I wanted to when suffering from sleeplessness. I guess the reverse is true now.. I sleep and I won't wake up haha..!

Nevertheless, I'm really amazed to think back how my whole journey with God ever started. It started all with this booklet called the "WYS" (what you see is not all you get). I did not believe in God the time when I heard it but over and over again my life is intertwined with it. I was really suffering from a rough patch with God and I had a reminder about the booklet in a dream on monday.

In the dream, I was so convinced and had full faith, even sharing about God to other people. The original calling for me was through this booklet, and I believe God has reminded me about this original calling. When I awoke to reality, however, I realised the person in the dream (who was me) had a totally different trust to God.

God, you know I love You, I really do. If that is the case, then, let me show that I really do. From the bottom of my heart and with my full life in action.

And, sleep is good. God you grant rest.

Psalm 127:2 (New International Version)

2 In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to a]">[a] those he loves.
Taking faith steps

Taking faith steps

I have made a major decision to change for the better. So far all the failures and disappointments I take full responsibility. The weaknesses in truth my fellow friends and brothers told me is validated and convicted in my heart.

Change won't be easy, but for Christ's sake I must.

God is always there not to condemn or punish us when we fail Him, He is there to ensure that we can never become so worthless and utterly broken that He cannot pick us up again.

I'm being reminded of the faith of the people in the bible in God and the reasons why many triumphed over obstacles and huge tasks were because they knew God's Word, and followed it. Whereas those who flopped, they knew God's Words too, but they did not follow.

In my life, it is not about me anymore, It is about God. I must remind myself again. I must not live to satisfy my selfish desires, selfish interests. Taking a blind eye to God's guidance will reap consequences I'm afraid will be too much to bear already.

I must follow Him closely. I must follow Him closely. I must follow Him closely. =)
My Heart - Christ's Home: By Robert Boyd Munger

My Heart - Christ's Home: By Robert Boyd Munger

**Took me a while to find it.. but let me put where i got it from, hope i don't infringe copyright issues.**
(available at http://www.thepeopleschurch.ca/myheart.asp)
If u find it helpful to u do share it with others ^^


My Heart - Christ's Home

This, of course, is the first step in making the heart Christ’s home. He has said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20). If you want to know the reality of God and the personal presence of Jesus Christ at the innermost part of your being, simply open wide the door and ask him to come in and be your Savior and Lord.

After Christ entered my heart, in the joy of that new-found relationship, I said to him, “Lord, I want this heart of mine to be yours. I want you to settle down here and be fully at home. I want you to use it as your own. Let me show you around and point out some of the features of the home so that you may be more comfortable. I want you to enjoy our time together.” He was glad to come and seemed delighted to be given a place in my ordinary, little heart.

The Study

The first room we looked at together was the study – the library. Let us call it the study of the mind. Now in my home this room of the mind is a small room with thick walls. But it is an important room. In a sense, it is the control room of the house. He entered with me and looked around at the books in the bookcase, the magazines on the table, and the pictures on the walls. As I followed his gaze, I became uncomfortable. Strangely enough, I had not felt bad about this room before, but now that he was there with me looking at these things, I was embarrassed. There were some books on the shelves his eyes were too pure to look at. On the table were a few magazines a Christian has no business reading. As for the pictures on the walls – the imaginations and thoughts of my mind – some of these were shameful.

Red-faced, I turned to him and said, “Master, I know this room really needs to be cleaned up and made over. Will you help me shape it up and change it to the way it ought to be?”
“Certainly,” he replied. “I’m glad to help you! I’ve come to handle things like this! First of all, take all the material you are reading and viewing which are not true, good, pure and helpful, and throw them out! Now put on the empty shelves the books of the Bible. Fill the library with the Scriptures and meditate on them day and night. As for the pictures on the walls, you will have difficulty controlling these images, but I have something that will help.” He gave me a full-sized portrait of himself. “Hang this centrally,” he said, “on the wall of the mind.” I did, and I have discovered through the years that when my thoughts are centered on Christ, the awareness of his presence, purity and power causes wrong and impure thoughts to back away. So he has helped me to bring my thoughts under his control, but the struggle remains.

If you have difficulty with this little room of the mind, let me encourage you to bring Christ there. Pack it full with the Word of God, study it, meditate on it and keep clearly before you the presence of the Lord Jesus.

The Dining Room

From the study we went into the dining room, the room of appetites and desires. Now this was a large room, most important place to me. I spend a lot of time and hard work trying to satisfy all my wants.

I told him, “This is my favorite room. I’m sure you will be pleased with what we serve here.”

He seated himself at the table and inquired, “What is on the menu for dinner tonight?”

“Well,” I said, “my favorite dishes: money, academic degrees, stocks, with newspaper articles of fame and fortune as side dishes.” These were the things I liked, thoroughly secular fare. There was nothing so very bad in any of them, but it was not really the kind of food which would feed the souls and satisfy true spiritual hunger.

When the plates were placed before my new friend, he said nothing. However, I observed that he did not eat. I asked, somewhat disturbed, “Savior, don’t you like this food? What is the trouble?”

He answered, “I have food to eat you do now know of. My food is to do the will of him that sent me.” He looked at me again and said, “If you want food that really satisfies you, do the will of your heavenly Father. Put his pleasure before your own. Stop striving for your own desires, your own ambitions, and your own satisfactions. Seek to please him. That food will really satisfy you. Try a bit of it!”

And there about the table he gave me a taste of doing God’s will. What flavor! There is no food like it in all the world. It alone satisfies. At the end everything else leaves you hungry.

What’s the menu in the dining room of our desires? What kind of food are we serving our divine companion and serving ourselves? “All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life” (1 Jn 2:16), our self-centered wants? Or are we finding God’s will to be our soul-satisfying meat and drink?

The Living Room

We moved next into the living room. This was a quiet, comfortable room with a warm atmosphere. I liked it. It had a fireplace, sofa, overstuffed chairs, a bookcase and an intimate atmosphere.

He also seemed pleased with it. He said, “Indeed, this is a delightful room. Let’s come here often. It’s secluded and quiet, and we can have good talks and fellowship together.”
Well, naturally, as a young Christian I was thrilled. I couldn’t think of anything I would rather do than have a few minutes alone with Christ in close companionship.

He promised, “I will be here every morning early. Meet me here and we will start the day together.”

So, morning after morning, I would go downstairs to the living room. He would take a book of the Bible from the bookcase, open it, and we would read it together. He would unfold to me the wonder of God’s saving truth recorded on its pages and make my heart sing as he shared all he had done for me and would be to me. Those times together were wonderful. Through the Bible and his Holy Spirit he would talk to me. In prayer I would respond. So our friendship deepened in these quiet times of personal conversation.

However, under the pressure of many responsibilities, little by little, this time began to be shortened. Why, I’m not sure. Somehow I assumed I was just too busy to give special, regular time to be with Christ. This was not a deliberate decision, you understand; it just seemed to happen that way. Eventually not only was the period shortened, but I began to miss days now and then, such as during midterms or finals. Matters of urgency demanding my attention were continually crowding out the quiet times of conversation with Jesus. Often I would miss it two days in a row or more.

One morning, I recall rushing down the steps in a hurry to be on my way to an important appointment.

As I passed the living room, the door was open. Glancing in, I saw a fire in the fireplace and Jesus sitting there. Suddenly, in dismay, it came to me, “He is my guest. I invited him into my heart! He has come as my Savior and Friend to live with me. Yet here I am neglecting him.”

I stopped, turned and hesitantly went in. With downcast glance I said, “Master, I’m sorry! Have you been here every morning?”

“Yes,” he said, “I told you I would be here to meet with you.” I was even more ashamed! He had been faithful in spite of my faithlessness. I asked him to forgive me and he did, as he always does when we acknowledge our failures and want to do the right thing.

He said, “The trouble is that you have been thinking of the quiet time, of Bible study and prayer, as a means for your own spiritual growth. This is true, but you have forgotten that this time means something to me also. Remember, I love you. At a great cost I have redeemed you. I value your fellowship. Just to have you look up into my face warms my heart. Don’t neglect this hour if only for my sake. Whether or not you want to be with me, remember I want to be with you. I really love you!”

You know, the truth that Christ wants my fellowship, that he loves me, wants me to be with him and waits for me, has done more to transform my quiet time with God than any other single fact. Don’t let Christ wait alone in the living room of your heart, but every day find a time and place when, with the word of God and in prayer, you may be together with him.

The Workroom

Before long he asked, “Do you have a workroom in your house?”

Out in the garage of the home of my heart I had a workbench and some equipment, but I was not doing much with it. Once in a while I would play around at making a few little gadgets, but I wasn’t producing anything substantial.

I took him out there.

He looked over the workbench and the few talents and skills I had. He said, “This is fairly well furnished. What are you producing with your life for the kingdom of God?” He looked at one or two of the little toys that I had thrown together on the bench and he held one up to me. “Is this the sort of thing you are doing for others in your Christian life?”

I felt terrible! “Lord, that’s the best I can do. I know it isn’t much. I’m ashamed to say that with my awkwardness and limited ability, I don’t think I’ll ever do much more.”

“Would you like to do better?” he asked.
“You know I would!” I replied.
“Well, first remember what I taught you: “Apart from me you can do nothing’ (Jn 15:5)
“Come, relax in me and let my Spirit work through you. I know you are unskilled, clumsy and awkward, but the Spirit is the Master-worker. If he controls your heart and your hands, he will work through you. Now turn around.” Then putting his great strong arms around me and his hands under mine he picked up the tools and began to work through me. “Relax. You are still too tense. Let go – let me do the work!”

It amazes me what his skilled hands can do through mine if I only trust him and let him have his way. I am very far from satisfied with the product that is being turned out. I still get in his way at times. There’s much more than I need to learn. But I do know that whatever has been produced for God has been through him and through the power of the Spirit in me.

Don’t be discouraged because you cannot do much for God. It’s not our ability but our availability that’s important. Give what you are to Christ. Be sensitive and responsive to what he wants to do. Trust him. He will surprise you with what he can do through you!

The Rec Room

I remember the time he inquired about the rec room, where I went for fun and fellowship. I was hoping he would not ask me about that. There were certain associations and activities I wanted to keep for myself. I did not think Jesus would enjoy or approve of them. I evaded the question.

However, one evening when I was on my way out with some of my buddies for a night on the town, he was at the door and stopped me with a glance. “Are you going out?”
I answered, “Yes.”
“Good,” he said, “I would like to go with you.”
“Oh,” I replied rather awkwardly. “I don’t think, Lord, that you would really enjoy where we are going. Let’s go out together tomorrow night. Tomorrow night we can go to a Bible class or a social at the church, but tonight I have another engagement.”

“As you wish,” was his comment. “Only I thought when I came into your home we were going to do everything together – be close companions! Just know that I am willing to go with you!”

“Well,” I said, “we’ll go someplace together tomorrow night!”

That evening I spent some miserable hours. I felt rotten! What kind of a friend was I to Jesus? Deliberately leaving him out of part of my life, doing things and going places that I knew very well he would not enjoy? When I returned that evening, there was a light in his room and I went up to talk it over with him. I acknowledged, “Lord, I have learned my lesson. I know now I can’t have a good time if you are not along. From now on we will do everything together!”

Then we went down together into the rec room of the house. He transformed it. He brought new friendships, new excitement, and new joys. Laughter and music have been ringing in the house ever since. With a twinkle in his eye, he smiled, “You thought that with me around you wouldn’t have much fun, didn’t you? Remember, I have come ‘that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full’ ” (Jn 15:11).

The Bedroom

One day when we were in my bedroom he asked me about the picture next to my bed.

“That’s a picture of my girlfriend,” I told him. Though I knew my relationship with my girlfriend was a good one, I felt funny talking to him about it. She and I were struggling with some issues and I didn’t want to discuss them with him. I tried to change the subject.

But Jesus must have known what I was thinking. “You are beginning to question my teaching on sex, aren’t you? That intercourse is only for those who are joined in the covenant of marriage? You’re feeling I may be asking something unnatural if not impossible for you. You’re afraid my will on this will limit the full enjoyment of life and love. Isn’t that true?”

“Yes,” I confessed.

“Then listen carefully to what I am saying,” he continued. “I forbid adultery and premarital sex not because sex is bad but because it’s good. Beyond the physical ecstasy it is a means of bonding two lives in deepening love. It has the creative power to bring human life into being. Sex is powerful. Used properly sex has tremendous potential for good. Used improperly, it destroys the good. For this reason God intends it to be expressed only within the commitment of a loving life partnership. There is far more to love than just sex.

“Let me help you in your relationship with the opposite sex. If you should fail and feel shame and guilt, know I still love you and remain with you. Talk to me about it! Acknowledge the wrong! Take steps to avoid it happening again! Rely on my strength to keep you from falling and to lead you into a relationship of love in marriage where two truly become one in me.”

The Hall Closet

There’s one more matter of crucial consequence I would like to share with you. One day
I found him waiting for me at the front door. An arresting look was in his eye. As I entered, he said to me, “There’s a peculiar odor in the house. Something must be dead around here. It’s upstairs. I think it is in the hall closet.”

As soon as he said this I knew what he was talking about. Indeed there was a small closet up there on the hall landing, just a few feet square. In that closet behind lock and key I had one or two little personal things I did not want anybody to know about. Certainly I did not want Christ to see them. They were dead and rotting things leftover from the old life – not wicked, but not right and good to have in a Christian life. Yet I loved them. I wanted them so much for myself I was really afraid to admit they were there. Reluctantly I went up the stairs with him and as we mounted, the odor became stronger and stronger. He pointed at the door and said, “It’s in there! Some dead thing!”

It made me angry! That’s the only way I can put it. I had given him access to the study, the dining room, the living room, the workroom, the rec room, the bedroom and now he was asking me about a little two-by-four closet. I said to myself, “This is too much! I am not going to give him the key.”

“Well,” he responded, reading my thoughts, “If you think I am going to stay up here on the second floor with this smell, you are mistaken. I will take my bed out on the back porch or somewhere else, I’m certainly not going to stay around that.” And I saw him start down the stairs.

When you have come to know and love Jesus Christ, one of the worse things that can happen is to sense him withdrawing his face and fellowship. I had to give in. “I’ll give you the key, “I said sadly, “but you’ll have to open the closet and clean it out. I haven’t the strength to do it.”

“I know,” he said. “I know you haven’t. Just give me the key. Just authorize me to handle that closet and I will.” So, with trembling fingers, I passed the key over to him. He took it from my hand, walked over to the door, opened it, entered it, took out the putrefying stuff that was rotting there and threw it all away. Then he cleansed the closet, painted it and fixed it up all in a moment’s time. Immediately a fresh, fragrant breeze swept through the house. The whole atmosphere changed. What release and victory to have that dead thing out of my life! No matter what sin or what pain there might be in my past, Jesus is ready to forgive, to lead and to make whole.

Transferring the Title

Then a thought came to me. I said to myself, “I have been trying to keep this heart of mine clean and available for Christ but it is hard work. I start on one room and no sooner have I cleaned it than I discover another room is dirty. I begin on the second room and the first one is already dusty again. I’m getting tired trying to maintain a clean heart and an obedient life. I just am not up to it!”

Suddenly I asked, “Lord, is there a possibility you would be willing to manage the whole house and operate it for me just as you did that closet? Could I give to you the responsibility of keeping my heart what it ought to be and myself doing what I ought to be doing?”

I could see his face light up as he replied, “I’d love to! This is exactly what I came to do. You can’t live out the Christian life in your own strength. That is impossible. Let me do it for you and through you. That’s the only way it will really work! But,” he added slowly, “I am not the owner of this house. Remember, I’m here as your guest. I have no authority to take charge since the property is not mine.”

In a flash it all became clear. Excitedly I exclaimed, “Lord, you have been my guest, and I have been trying to play the host. From now on you are going to be the owner and master of the house. I’m going to be the servant!”

Running as fast as I could to the strongbox, I took out the title deed to the house describing its assets and liabilities, its condition, location and situation. Then rushing back to him, I eagerly signed it over giving title to him alone for time and eternity. Dropping to my knees, I presented it to him, “Here it is, all that I am and have forever. Now you run the house. Just let me stay with you as houseboy and friend.”

He took my life that day and I can give you my word, there is no better way to live the Christian life. He knows how to keep it and use it. A deep peace settled down on my soul that has remained. I am his and he is mine forever!

May Christ settle down and be at home as Lord of your heart also.

Robert Boyd Munger, now retired, has served numerous pastorates and as professor of Evangelism and Church Strategy at Fuller Theological Seminary.

The Peoples Church
374 Sheppard Ave East
Toronto, Ont. M2N 3B6
Phone: 416-222-3341 Fax: 416-222-3344

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