What does it mean to follow Jesus, and be His Disciple?

What does it mean to follow Jesus, and be His Disciple?

Ray Vander Laan is one gifted and anointed speaker of the Word of God. More interestingly, I like how the series "In the Dust of the Rabbi" contextualize the Biblical context to the modern 21st century Christian and non-christians so that we may be aroused in our senses to see what Israel was like, to feel and get immersed into the Word of God.

Here, from youtube are 2 sets of videos on Discipleship. What does it mean to truly be a Disciple of Jesus? Hope these videos give you fresh insight onto what it means to follow Jesus. God Bless.

"Help me please! I can't find strength anymore."

"Help me please! I can't find strength anymore."

The title above represents truly a cry of our hearts in our deepest and darkest times of need. To whom shall we turn for hope? To where shall we search for light?

Sometimes in life we often encounter situations where we hit a rut and we lose all hope of a turn around. The song above titled "Dark before Morning" describes the cry of the heart to keep believing, even when the odds are against us and we are in a difficult situation not able to see what is ahead. Hope the two stories below encourages us to press on in our times of difficulties.

The story behind the song goes like this: (copyright attributed to EMI and Josh Wilson)

Josh Wilson’s new single is called “Before The Morning”. It’s a really special song! Here’s what it’s all about…

“Before the Morning” is a song about hope. It’s inspired by my dear friends, Tim and Paula Beal. 5 months into their pregnancy, Tim and Paula went to the doctor to find out if their baby was a boy or a girl. The doctor told them he was a boy, and then he went on to tell them that there were only 2 valves in his heart (instead of 4), and his kidneys and lungs were not functioning. He said that their only option was abortion. Because of the depth of his complications, no doctor would touch Jayken because he could never survive the dialysis machine during heart surgery. The Beals were also told that due to the extent of the problems, they would soon be digging their way into a financial pit that would ruin their marriage.

Tim and Paula went home and prayed. They fasted. They asked everyone they knew to pray and fast with them. They knew they needed to trust in the Lord, because he was the One that “knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13).

On January 11th, 2002, Jayken was born. The doctors said he had a 2% chance of living longer than four days. By the grace of God, Jayken is now seven years old. After three heart surgeries, many sleepless nights, and countless financial struggles, the Beals are still believing a day at a time in a Savior who won’t let them go. They are learning what it means to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

Tim told me that “the odds have never been in Jayken’s favor, but God is so faithful.” The Beals are living proof that no matter what our circumstances are, God can work anything out for our good and His glory.

This album is entitled “Life Is Not A Snapshot.” If you took a snapshot of a particular moment in the Beal’s life, it might look like there isn’t a lot of hope for them. But sickness and struggles are not the end of the story for those who know Jesus. We believe in a God who saves. We believe in a God who heals. At the end of every email I receive from Tim, he writes “fighting the fight until I see His face.”

We believe in the Bigger Picture.

No matter what you may be struggling with, know that “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18). Our pain and struggles are very real, but they are only the dark before the morning.

This song is for Jayken David. His name means “Victory through grace for God’s beloved.”

Posted in Josh Wilson, Sparrow Records Tagged: Before The Morning, Josh Wilson, Life Is Not A Snapshot, Sparrow Record


This video below shows another Mother who kept faith too.. in keeping her child and choosing to believe in God and trust in Him to overcome all the odds.
The Right Choice from laceybuchanan on GodTube. (c)

Truly these testimonies have been a great encouragement to me, and I hope they bless you too.