Recent Updates!

Haha... my blog posts have been too bible stuff according to some sources.. so here's a light post!

This is the 5th week since school has restarted. I'm studying Chemistry year 2 Semester 2 now. It is really been a hectic time. Sometimes I just sleep in my lessons. (OH NO!) or i fail to come on time for morning lessons. I guess its really hard to keep up especially as I have been too kind to myself.

Still things are looking bright as there are plans drawn up to salvage the situation.. "To fail to plan is to plan to fail..." So I hope the plans I drawn up I can stick to it, making it a convenant to God too, to honour Him with studies.

The desire to know God has never been so strong till now in life. Maybe it's as strong as the point I came to know about God. Its really exciting to see how God works, so ever faithfully, so ever wonderfully, and out of understanding.

I wonder if I can keep that heart of thanksgiving going towards God. Certainly hope I can..

ok gonna sleep!! (if not be late for lessons)

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