Back to the start

Visited the Serangoon GB Campsite today.. to do booking.. Well. It has been a nolstalgic day.. as I reached the place, surveying the area which hasn't quite changed a bit. I must say... the place is a reminder..

Back 3 years ago, I know someone who had been in the army for a year. For how long he has enlisted, he has not stepped back into church. All of a sudden, he fractured his hand, giving him ample time to think about his walk with God. The fact was, God had not forgotten him. Despite him being busy in army (or at least he thought he was), he had been lamenting and praying to God. He had wanted to return to church. But, being a new christian and missing out for so long, he felt compelled.

1723 church camp: This guy came back to the camp.. with a cast on his hand. God had not forgotten, and certainly not the brothers and sisters in Christ. As he moved around with unease because of unfamiliar faces, some familiar ones did come back. As the small little group sat on the swing (below, sadly today cannot sit), the group encouraged this guy to come back 1723.

I am that guy, and have not looked back since that day, God decided to use the situation to reveal Himself to me. Looking back, I would never have expected things to become quite the way they are today. For the zhenwei you know today is one redeemed through His Grace, for I would not be where I am in life had God not come back into the picture.

Zhenwei I would say, I knew him. He was one who didn't bother about others around him, individualistic, selfish, felt that the whole world owed him something. He was angry whenever he felt wronged, felt he did not have to answer to anyone for anything. He felt in charge of His own life.

Today, I have lost alot of that zhenwei, perhaps whatever remains is nothing but memories, that never will fade. I lost myself, but found myself in Christ, for what I journeyed brought me Mind Blowing perspectives about people, God, and the way things should be. The focus isn't me, I'm just but one little guy running around on a even smaller Singapore, on a even bigger map which cant even see Singapore..... Today, I live. Not my life, but in Christ I live.

awwwww!!! the swing is blocked off!! ~_~

1 Response to "Back to the start"

a said...

Hi zhenwei! so glad the "swing" talk made u change ur mind and u returned to tuanqi and church! Am so glad! I still vividly remember that day u came with your cast! May God continue to use you and bless you!