review of my past 21 years


Just realised that it has been a long time since i seriously sat down to reflect on my life..
seems to be in quite a mess... no matter how i look at it: in terms of studies or lifestyle.

...It seems out of focus.

Attended CrossRoads (campus crusade North *yay!!*) last thursday. Was really down because that day i did my physics test & i think i din do so well.. felt discouraged. Haha but i think i took away an important lesson in life that nite.

The message for that night was "SURRENDER"... to God. It seems especially hard to do so because i felt that alot of times i am too caught up with the things happening in life. I feel hurt & discouraged for example when i do badly for exams or test, which in fact makes me more afraid to "surrender" it to God the next time round as i am afraid i will do badly again.

And so most of the time i try to hang on to what I want to have control but make a mess out of it. ( I wonder if you feel this as well ).

The more i try to hang on to something, I think i end up losing it. like DUHH. WHY???????

which is why i think God's message in the bible is sometimes unexplainable in human terms. in fact, it is even exactly opposite of what the world is telling us.. here in the bible is stated:

Mat 16:25 "For whosoever would save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it."

we try so hard in life pursuing goals: money $$$ (WHOO!), fame, happiness, etc, etc but will we really be happy with all this? have we neglected our family members? have we lost our health as a consequence?

surrendering to God is not easy(which means making God the focus of life) and is something i feel i need to do on a daily basis, and i think one thing i noticed is that through it i experienced calmness and peace inspite of whats happening around me. because now i let it go and seems i lost control over it...

but maybe i gained freedom from alot of things as well !!

heex maybe now i long for a simpler life.. as life is too complicated at times.

hope you take a step back to ponder bout your life too, especially when you feel stressed out!
so long ppl, cya next time round.

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