Happy Valentine's day! belated *muahaha*

Happy belated valentines day to all!! Its a really busy week for me as I prepare to study for my quizzes.... anyway here's a video link for u guys to chew on~


What is love?
- listening to a person wholeheartedly with due attention
- acknowledging a person for who he/she is and not what you want them to be

I do agree with the above and I personally felt a brand new type of love
4 years ago and still continuing to feel it today:

The bible describes this "love" as AGAPE love. In Greek of the New Testament bible, this meant Selfless Love. There are other forms of love recorded within the bible: Storge (love of kin/family), Phileo (affectionate or brotherly love), Eros (love between opposite sexes).

For this post, I will put the focus on AGAPE love, used to describe God's love for us.
Some may immediately ask a question I asked years before:
"Okay.. Jesus Christ died for all man but that was 2,000plus years ago. But I cant see, feel, touch God? Even if He exists, He must seem a so distant figure. How do I know God loves me? Or even more Why does he love me? Where was He when I suffered? Was He there?"

Think of a father and a child: did the child ever do anything for the father to love him in the 1st place? The father loves the child for he is his child & similarly God loves you for who you are. But... how do I know God loves me? To understand this, lets look at this from the point of sin.

In accordance to the bible, all man has sinned and by this sin (it really means to fall short of a standard of being righteous in eyes of GOD) if you think have not... (wah... so serious.. I never kill anyone, commit huge crime before.... blah blah)

have you:
- been angry at someone? hated someone?
- told lies for your own benefits/interests?
- lusted after someone fantasizing in your mind?
- greed after something that is not yours
**I'm not trying to tell you how "holy" I am.. I admit that I'm guilty of the above.**

By sin, ALL man is condemned to hell. Yet, God gave us Jesus Christ, being perfect to die for all these wrong doings so we may be able to repair the relationship with God. God gave us a chance not to choose between heaven and hell... because by right, all man Will go to hell.. He gave us a choice so we may choose heaven and experience His Love for us. And we never did anything to deserve it yet we have the choice now to accept this AGAPE Love of his.

Yes, many may say they don't need God in their lives. But given a choice now, are you willing to let God work his Love into your life?

Personally I have felt God's love working into my life... If I had looked from 5 years ago.. I would never have expected the change accepting His love would bring about into my life.. a little bit of background:

- I was never on good terms with my mother especially, and I was taught how to Love. And see her love for me

- I never really felt the need for friends in the past. I was selfish. Now I learn to treasure my friends and fellow brothers and sisters

- I have grown in situations I thought I will never be able to make through.

- I was proud of having some things in life I had which I thought others did not. Now I learn all these are not as important in life as life itself along with people around you.

And now I ask myself Do I love God? And Love the people around me? Is it easy to love even someone you hate?

Hope this post has been helpful to you. May everyday be a day of Love for us all, be it valentines' or not, be it in times of troubles or joy. May God's love touch your hearts too.

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