In the gaming world, I play a girl named "-= tsu =-" which is my main character (i'm not a pervert okay cause i actually announced to my friends in game i'm a guy XDD) and a guy named "~:zhen:~". Ha the virtual world is an escape from reality... or is it??
Anyway, I have decided its time to face reality... in a bid to do better in studies. Here's a tribute to the game (Secret of Solstice). And actually I have made quite a number of friends in game whom I actually chat with, even though some are half a globe around in US, Canada, Mexico...
Tribute to my friends in game sorry if left out: Kylie, Thunder11, miki_konoe, Kannono-chan, Mp5_wolf, gono_08, eilwood69, Darthplayab, ~jessilyn~, Ryogachan, teddyboi, Bobby hotxtrot, annabelles, ~Rage~, AngeLvsDevil, Link 8, FernJosh, Aidanious, NotSawars, Criz_lanford, Bennyhill, and many more not named....
See. online is a place where I have found equally true friends where I'm able to relate to life about... So i'm gonna miss you guys! here's screenshots (click to enlarge)

Mass event in game... i'm the one in circle! The amount of people in a single map.. O.O

That's me... at higher levels already... with one of best in game frens, miki_konoe.

Hunting Santa Cluases in game!! XD using my 2nd character, ~:zhen:~

Santa's give good priceless gems in game.. probably the most valuable stuff..

Its now over christmas period... so no more Santas..

That's a lower level -= tsu =-.. with closest group of people in game was realie fun times XD..

me using -= tsu =- and hunting reindeer santa(s) called the LuDolfpang...
Well... no regrets whatsoever playing the game since its destressing for me... Just that I have to prioritise things for now.. I will still be in there with my online frens once in a long while! And to prevent myself from addiction >.< Now is the time to catch up in studies!!!
Happy 牛 year everyone!! Chinese New Year is here!! And people over half the globe celebrate too according to them XD. May God Bless all of you.
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