Biblical Masculinity?

The past year I had was really fabulous, and God was among it all: The Divine chanced meetings with certain peoples became crucial in this year that it turned out to be. I'm going to start on my FYP (Final year project) which is interesting due to the relation to mosquitoes and my course of study Chemistry. Singapore is really a place plagued by seasons of Dengue and hopefully what I am going to do can contribute a little to fighting against it.

Well! This past year has been interesting to say as I re-looked at the concept of Masculinity. There have been much thoughts going through my mind because obviously many Biblical characters hardly make the mark of "being a man" in the world's context.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Okay, lets look at Abraham! When God called him out of his homeland, he was afraid harm would come to himself due to his pretty wife. So therefore, to save his own skin and protect himself, he put his wife at risk, not once but twice. In today's context, that's a 100% wimp isn't it? Yet God looks at the character of Abraham differently, because we all know he goes on to become the Father of Faith on his sacrifice of Isaac.

Another character that captivates my mind is David. A small shepherd boy just delivering stuff to his brother who's suppose to be the soldier fighting Phillistines, or Goliath: the massive Giant. Yet he became the unlikely hero as he took down Goliath, when the soldiers, including King Saul himself was hiding in safety.

What exactly makes a man A Man in God's eyes? 

I'm very much sure as I continue my journey with God and also looking more at the characters in the Bible my concept of masculinity will continue to be shaped. Surely, it's not just about fame, power, strength... there is something much deeper at the Core of it.

Adam, Jacob, Joseph, Hosea, Jonah, the 12 disciples, Jesus himself.. there's a ton of people we gotta look at from fresh perspective altogether.

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