Oh.. I had something of an april fool's joke on me by the school... Here's how it went:
Recently sat for 2 quizzes and deciding whether to S/U it. For those who are not familiar with the University system in NTU, we have a S/U option for the electives we take. S/U = Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Meaning making it a pass fail module. However, I have been trying hard to score for the module and both the CAs I barely passed... and WHAT A COINCIDENCE. both were 32/60 ._.

I still think I will S/U it because of safety reasons.. and I have not used any of my 4 S/U options yet.. SO YAY.. 32/60... 32/60...32/60..
Yup that pretty sums up this week of relaxation.. Thank God that everything is going fine at the moment. I still have some time left for revisions for exams. Good Friday is the time we come to commemorate Jesus' death on the cross for our sakes.
Frankly I have met alot of pre-believers asking me If God was good, why did He create the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden? And If Adam did not eat it, we do not have to suffer for something we did not do wrong. And So it was God's fault his creation must be warped, if not Adam's for he ate that fruit that stuck his throat.
I really do not have definite and absolute answers to all these questions and we can speculate for all we want but there are really some things in life we might not have the answer until we see God face to face at the end of days.
Yes. God did not have to create the tree of knowledge. He didn't even have to create humans with a smart brain capable of self thought. He did not even have to create humans in the first place. He did not even have to create the world in the first place. Perhaps only an artist would understand the satisfaction of his masterpiece. Likewise, something out of our human Logic is really beyond our comprehension. We can never understand enough why or how God created the earth the way it is. Such a systematic and ordered pattern of climate, planet rotation, the perfect distance from the sun such that a little nearer we be scorched, a little further we be frozen.
Some say the creation reflects its master, and that nature itself reflects God.
Maybe there are things like natural disasters we consider bad because it rips life out of the innocent randomly. If God was good or so to speak, some would say why would there be suffering in this world, even to innocent people? Frankly, I would not want to believe God is bad. He merely "allows" things to happen. Just like when a father sees how his toddler learns how to walk, He allows the child to fall so he will eventually walk. He did not cause the child to fall down.
For me, there is a reason why these things happen: to reflect the frailness of life and the great equaliser in death. No man can escape death. And death to many its the end, but the bible talks about a judgement day where each and everyone of us has to give an account before God himself for the things we did.
I haven't realised in a while how distant I had become from God, or at least I thought so. But God is always there just right beside me, seeing me do the things I do, going through the things I work at. I have failed Him in many ways but its not the reasons to make Him detest me. It just shows that I need Him.
And God only looks at your heart~
"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man."
Proverbs 27:19 (NIV)
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