Words of wisdom I thought at that point of time as I had not received Christ into my life. Today, after being a christian for almost 4 years, that quote does have some element of truth in it. True enough, living in today's fast-paced society is stressful and strenuous. It calls for efficiency, high work-rate, results, being the top and giving our best in whatever we do.
Worry is a problem all of us face in our lives. Many people say a little stress can drive a person to achieve better results. True enough. There are of course people who buckle under stress and enter depression mode, some even end their own lives by suicide. It is indeed scary how much our worries can drive us to a corner if we do not handle it nor if we do not know how to face it properly.
There's a distinction between how we see our troubles in life.
Having problems in life DO NOT equate to having worries about those problems.
Looking at people all around us, it will be interesting to find anyone living without any problems at all. I have been a person who is pessimistic. I will tend to think along the negative lines of thought about things in life, that are worst case scenarios without them actually happening.
After I received Christ and started knowing more about God, I started to realise that God has not left it to doubt about the issues/problems we face in life. Regarding worries, there are a few bible verses that really go to show how much God cares for us. Like in Matthew 6:25, Matthew 6:28, Matthew 6:31, Matthew 6:34, Luke 12:29. God actually knows our thoughts and worries. Yet, the bible tells us of a much deeper thought regarding our worries.
Often, we get caught up in life about issues like the bible described: we worry about what to wear, what to eat, but we forgot that the body is what is important. God tells us not to worry because He cares for us. In Matthew 6:30, we are told to look at the flowers or nature. No one looks after them but yet they flourish, because God alone takes care of them. How even more God cares for us?
Many a times people might ask: "I have heard God is all-knowing and knows our hearts even before we ask anything of Him, If so, why do we pray?" Indeed, the only times we draw closer to God is in times of our problems and needs that we pray. Of course God knows our problems, but yet, he gives us the freewill to choose our own paths or seek help from him. Notice in 1 Peter 5:5-7, the verse that comes before casting our worries onto God talks about humility in seeking God first. God himself offers and extends that Hand out for us to come to Him to present our requests. And only rightfully we approach God with a sincere and humble heart when doing so trusting in Him to help us.
God did not promise that He will solve our problems the way we want it to be but He promised that He will be with us in His presence as in Philippians 4:6. May the God of Peace guard our hearts in Lord Jesus Christ as Jesus told us to trust in Him in John 14:27.
We have problems.... but!!! We have a bigger God. =)
P.S. Btw I'm trying out a new widget that allows bible verses to pop up :D hope it shortens the posts =) do give me feedback...!