The Title is " an HOUR to LIVE an HOUR to LOVE " by Richard Carlson.

Haha this is truly a thought provoking title.. even though the book is very thin. I think its worth reading it. As most of us would think death is something far from us. So far but yet so ever near, simply because we might be taking our tommorrow(s) or granted.
I have began to think and re-access my LAST HOUR.
For christians, I'm sure you are familiar with Jesus Last Supper with his disciples. I'm sure most of you know just what He did or said during one of the last few hours of his life ( let's recap! ):
- Jesus washed his disciples' feet: "If I then, the Lord and the Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet." John 13:14
Explanation to the verse: by which he does not mean barely, that they should perform this single action; but as this was an instance of humility and condescension, and doing a good office to strangers and travellers, and was afterwards an expression of love to the saints, see 1Ti_5:10, so he would teach them hereby, to behave in a spirit of humility and condescension to one another, to do every kind and good office, and by love to serve one another in all things.
- Jesus also said his last commandment to his disciples: " A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; even as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34-35
Explanation to the verse: as Christ has loved his people freely, notwithstanding all their unworthiness and ungratefulness, so should they love one another, though there may be many things in them observable, which are disagreeable; as Christ loves all his children without any distinction, so should they love one another, whether poor or rich, weaker or stronger, lesser or greater believers; and as Christ loves them not in word only, but in deed and in truth, so should they love one another with a pure heart fervently, and by love serve one another.
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