Look at what you have & not what you Don't

Went for crusade 10.11 camp!! Yesh.. from 10 to 11 Dec.. but what took so long to put it down in words?? Its really a combination of factors (lazy, going out with frens alot recently, waiting for the message to settle deep in my heart).

haha.. look its a SOUTH camp!! but i'm the only NORTH person there (note that this is an NTU South crusade camp) haha.. but I not calefare okae..

Personally, I felt that I was at a spiritual low prior to the camp. Probably was 'cause I knew that I done badly for my Semester exams.. and secondly, my mission trip to Bangkok was cancelled admist all the chaos happening.. =((

I was lamenting alot about what had happened. And I felt I had a RIGHT to grieve and complain to GOD for just what happened. I felt that alot of things was not going right in my way. But I felt after the camp that, truthfully God has His time for everything after the 10.11 camp. Especially so because I felt that He was trying to tell me or rather teach me that I was going the wrong way in my spiritual walk with Him. And I was glad that God put me into the camp.

Well.. back to my lamentations.. OR complains rather to God. (i won't list them) But the crux of it was that it had come to a state of spiritual-low that Ibegan to see things in a very pessimistic view already. I had complained alot alot... to God.. and He seemed silent.

This camp refined my thought of why I decided to follow Christ. And a timely reminder as well. For goodness' sake! God is not our servant! WE are God's servant! Taking a step back, I was really amazed that I complained alot despite being able to GIVE THANKS for alot of other things God put into my life.

Its really about looking at what you have & not what you Don't. If we constantly look at what we lack: we most probably end up complaining. On the other hand, we look at what we have: we are able to be thankful of what we have.

The point is we take what we have for granted most of the time until we just look at what we lack. Since we cannot lose what we did not possess in the first place, why complain not having it?

God has called us into His salvation.. and who are we, as people who are undeserving to complain to him as if we are still the masters of our life? Was it personal pride at work here? But I was glad God showed me just how small I am as compared to the whole of His marvelous creation.

Let us constantly remind ourselves that when we call God our "LORD", its not just a name we call but it means to surrender our lives, dedicated for Him as His servant. God is not someone we order around and complain and demand things done our way. If not, we are the LORDS of our lives. Remember I said that God is not our servant! WE are God's servant! Thats why we call Him the LORD!!!

Before you say out your complain to God next time, are you going to find some things right now in your life that you are able to thank God for?

Ice Skating fun on 9th Dec!!

Yeah!!! had a dae of PURE FUN at Kallang ice world.. skating!! Although dun skate v well but well who saes u need to skate well to enjoy??

from left: Jianming, me, Yile, Zhiqi,Yangjun, Huangpeng.

pictures of us in de arena!!!
YO!!! check out de ppl at the background!! actually more people!!! very crowded..

Well... after de skating calls for some random camera fun... who saes u need to pay $$ for fun? XDD

muahaha!!! lol... SPCA might be putting me on their wanted list now...
hahaha!!!! yea dis time's a picture post.. Cos i just return from Campus Crusade 10.11 camp!!
was fun and inspiring. ha u shld hav notice i use lotsa short form for dis post... ah.. v. tired now.. haha fill you all in about the insights of the 10.11 camp in the next post!!
Thanks for all ur support!! the rest of the pictures is available on facebook for ur viewing pleasure XDD

RE to prev post: An hour to LIVE an hour to LoVe

This is the book that I came across as mentioned in my previous post ( Do read the prev post!! ). For those who are interested! (=

The Title is " an HOUR to LIVE an HOUR to LOVE " by Richard Carlson.

Haha this is truly a thought provoking title.. even though the book is very thin. I think its worth reading it. As most of us would think death is something far from us. So far but yet so ever near, simply because we might be taking our tommorrow(s) or granted.
I have began to think and re-access my LAST HOUR.
For christians, I'm sure you are familiar with Jesus Last Supper with his disciples. I'm sure most of you know just what He did or said during one of the last few hours of his life ( let's recap! ):
- Jesus washed his disciples' feet: "If I then, the Lord and the Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet." John 13:14
Explanation to the verse: by which he does not mean barely, that they should perform this single action; but as this was an instance of humility and condescension, and doing a good office to strangers and travellers, and was afterwards an expression of love to the saints, see 1Ti_5:10, so he would teach them hereby, to behave in a spirit of humility and condescension to one another, to do every kind and good office, and by love to serve one another in all things.
- Jesus also said his last commandment to his disciples: " A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; even as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34-35
Explanation to the verse: as Christ has loved his people freely, notwithstanding all their unworthiness and ungratefulness, so should they love one another, though there may be many things in them observable, which are disagreeable; as Christ loves all his children without any distinction, so should they love one another, whether poor or rich, weaker or stronger, lesser or greater believers; and as Christ loves them not in word only, but in deed and in truth, so should they love one another with a pure heart fervently, and by love serve one another.

If YOU have only an hour left.....

EXAMINATION Timeline 07-08 Semester 1

Exams.... are finally over!!!!!!!!!!!!! But.. I'm not pleased with myself.. I have been too lazy and not taking academics seriously enough.. until.. its too late. Well, guess I'm resigned to poor grades for this 1st Semester in NTU. I feel guilty that I have not been a good testimony for God and to people around me. But.. every failure is a new beginning to do better! I now make a commitment to God to treat academics seriously again (* i promise*) :

1) Commit myself responsibly: NO more skipping lessons and not doing homework.
2) Finish homework before I go home.
3) Do revision and chapter summary consistently for each topic.
*if i can complete these 3 factor which seems easy yet not so easy i shld be fine after today*

Ha anw! I'm nt about to bore you guys with rantings.. hoho. XDD

Went on a mini- 伤心旅行 just now and came across an interesting book about a man who died suddenly leaving his wife in shock. In one of his love letters to his wife in their 25 years wrote, or at least tried to answer the question:

" If I had only ONE hour to live, Who would I call & what will I say to Him/ Her."

His wife obviously could not believe her loss of her husband so sudden BUT she found console in this letter that answered the question above.

This is reallie what I want to talk about for the day: cherishing what we have and not taking things for granted.

With all the huff & puff of such a busy life, we tend to lose the focus of our lives. We get so caught up in our routines: rushing to school/work, slogging lives out for results/money, fighting hard just to gain people's attention ( fame ), .... On and on... so & so

NOW if YOU are the one. I tell you now that you only have an hour to live. Will you still go spend that hour rushing [to school/work, slogging lives out for results/money, fighting hard just to gain people's attention ( fame ), .... On and on... so & so] or would you reallie take a step back and see WHO matters most in your life right now?

Would you call your university prof inquiring about studies? Does tt matter when you are gone in like... an hour!!?? Or call your boss? maybe you like to apply that day off for something more important than making $$. How much can you earn in your LAST hour?

Would you go around giving away all your money to poor people and do good deeds that you have never done before?

Would you call your best friends? Telling them how much they meant to you each time you were down, they shared the pain with you, and in times of joy laughed together?

Would you call your parents? They love you.. and would be devastated to know you will be gone.. in erhem.. an hour.

Would you call your girlfriend/boyfriend? Tell him/her how much you love and cherish each moments of life spent together? How sad will it be to part unwillingly?

Would you call someone who has offended you and tell them that you forgive them? If not you won't have the chance to do it anymore?

You see, we can now REALLY tell what's most important if we have given a serious thought about what to do... But if you have only ONE hour to live.. Its probably not a good idea to start thinking only when you have that hour left.

If you have something called "today". Would you spend a little time, thinking about who loves you, and who you Love?

Your parents do. Your friends treasure you. Your sweetheart holds you dear. And there is a God out there. If you believe, He loves you & me just as well. (:

are we pointing fingers at others?

Today had a fun lecture .. It showed us the common drugs in abuse in Singapore now.

Ever wondered why people abuse drugs..
- its expensive!
- people knows it destroys health!
- its illegal!! can land u in deep trouble with Singapore laws..

Look!!! Here are some of the synthetic (man-made) drugs. comes in wierd shapes n logos..

ah haha.. u won't find any of these food in the above picture.. it contains poppy seeds!! the stuff from Poppy flower they make opium from. contains morphine. So, beware next time u eat anything overseas or try bringing it back..

Anyway, I felt that people turn to drugs for following:
1) it helps "numb them from their troubles" ( but forget tt the troubles come back l8r)
2) they are already addicted to it, ( the drugs have replaced the body's own production of natural stimulants)
3) people in singapore don't give them a SECOND CHANCE.

SECOND CHANCE... I think our society is very intolerant against all these errors people make.
Be it drug abuse, HIV patients, jailed before people. Talk about all the "yellow ribbon project".. ask how many people out there who are willing to hire an ex-convict? Luckily todae we have opened up a bit. But to reach out to all these people, we have to deal with the social stigma associated with these people.
Which reminds me of a case in the bible where Jesus met a woman who committed adultery:
"1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them. 3The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court,4they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. 5"Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?" 6They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. 7But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court." John 8:1-9 (NASB)
The key point is everyone of us has sinned by God's standards. We may not break physical laws like drug abuse, commit a crime. But certainly everyone of us has GREED, LUSTS, DISHONESTY, HATING SOMEONE ( if you have not, I praise God. you are perfect ).
In the verse above, a woman was caught for adultery. And at that time, it was a henious crime punishable by stoning ( kill the woman by throwing stone at her ).
BUT Jesus said:" He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
And what happened? Not a single one of the crowd stayed to do so. (because they knew deep down they haved sinned before and notice the older people started to leave 1st).
So, before we point an accusing finger next time at some one else, I beseech each and every one of us to examine ourselves and think. Who has not made mistakes before? Who are we to judge others?
Life is frail.. and not in our hands.

Life is frail.. and not in our hands.

Hmm.. this might be the 1st & last post of the month of November.. I'll be away on a exam retreat (exams are 13th - 27th Nov).

Attended Chuan Yu his Grandma's wake todae. Suddenly being reminded of my Own grandma who is currently bed-ridden in Malaysia.. I hope to be able to visit her this December. Because she is now 82, and a recent fall has caused her health to take a plunge. If I do not go back this year, I might not have the chance to do so again. pls pray for her thanks! =)

Man is one of the few beings to consiously know that we are all going to die someday. Even though we know that, we actually know very little of what it is like after we die. And, life is so frail that even though we know so much about medicine and technology to this date, we cannot escape death. We don't even have control of when we arrive in this world & when we die.

And we can "OWN" alot ( but do we own them? ). Have lots of money, drive a BIG car, live luxuriously, have a happy contented family. BUT we can take NONE of these with us when we die. So, what is the real purpose of life? Have you ever in your years wondered about it? YOUR LIFE IS JUST A SMALL DOT ON ALONG A LONG LINE. It may be 50? 60? 70? 80 years? No one knows. Our existence marks that few decades in creation's long years.

I sincerely feel the lost of a loved one tend to remind us of God's promise to us that whoever believes in Him shall be saved & be with Him in heaven. If given a choice to choose, I'm 100% sure no one will choose to go to hell knowingly. But if they have not heard the gospel and have a chance to choose, how can they know of God's promise? I hope as christians we can make use of what we call TODAY (yes that's today because how sure are you that you are not taking tomorrow for granted? ) to spread God's love:

16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16

This is a verse I think most christians know. But are we living our faith out by showing God's love to our neighbours?

One of the parting words Jesus said to his disciples was:
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13: 34-35.

We can say alot to our non-believer friends to try to convince them but what else is better than using your own life with other fellow christians as a life testimony of God's LOVE?
People playing on HUMAN weaknesses

People playing on HUMAN weaknesses

In modern 21st century, well humans are after all still humans.

We are constantly plagued by sins whether we know it consiously or not.
Take a BIG look at the world around us.

Points to reflect:
- how did such a big company such as the Lehmann brothers go bust?
(the abrupt bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the 158-year-old investment bank)
- how did SO MANY people get affected by them going bust?

I felt that it boiled down to a simple human nature: GREED
-people thought a 158 year old bank is reliable & forget that the bank is interested only because of their $$.
-people buy "minibonds" that will pay them interests after e.g 5 years (people are greedy for $$)

The bible tells us explicitly riches of this world are not reliable:
Mat 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth consume, and where thieves break through and steal: Mat 6:20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: Mat 6:21 for where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also.

Its a case of people playing on Others' weakness. Because people are greedy they have lost what they had. They had placed their hearts on the money.

I was bored studying when I stumbled onto this youtube video of Benny Hinn. I suppose a lot of people have heard of him.


Well, U prob heard of the "great" faith healing pastor who heals in the name of Jesus Christ.
He is the one.. who CLAIM to heal (wheelchair bound people, terminal cancer, HIV & aids,)
- well whatever u name it he heals it according to him -

-AND as this video shows, he has absolutely no idea if people ARE healed. ( please watch it )

-people hope to get healed and put their prayer slips & MONEY in envelopes in the hope HE PRAYS for them and yet people find the $$ gone, the prayer slips thrown as garbage.

I do believe in healing power of Christ but its a gift,as the bible do tell us of cases that Jesus healed wherever He went.

If Benny Hinn really has this gift, period, WHY won't he do it free of charge, and for goodness sake walk into Hospitals and LOOK AT HOW MANY NEEDS HEALING????? And would we need hospitals if he can heal on such a large scale?
(and modern faith healing's failure can easily be blamed on the individual's lack of faith)

Is this a case of people preying on others' weaknesses of the heart? I leave the decision to U.

I truly pray for God's grace on all people, who may be playing on other's weaknesses.
And for all those who are being preyed on, for they truly need God.

Please take time to pray if you feel burdened to. =)
God bless.
26th October

26th October

Mission trip training..

I'll be gg to Bangkok for mission trip dis Dec!! Yea~

todae had choir practice.. seriously for a noobie like me it will be tough trying to learn harmony (ya melody & harmony) so sing harmony..

Thank God we picked up quite fast.. hope i don't forget as fast.. sincerely i feel that our Choir in church has a high standard.. I always respect people who can do things i cant.. Like reading "dao gei" (beansprouts of chords)

okae must reallie get down to studies.. 2 tests in a week is like.. crazee~~
dis week is truly make or break..

Azumanga daioh

Well.. recently watching a show called "azumanga daioh".

Whats perhaps so interesting about dis anime is that it TOTALLY has no plot at all.. XDDD. haha anw, tt means the things in it r preety much random..

Well, if it isn't lame, it will be funny. One of my favourite getawaes frm busy school work to a good laugh.

this character(teacher) is "Yukari" She's a cannot make it teacher.. and look 1st dae of school she went into wrong class alr..
In the middle is "Chiyo" a child prodigy transfer to high school when she should be in grade school.. super funny~~
Yea! dis is "Sakaki"! she's good in sports and an animal lover.. but something funny happens to her everytime.. when she approaches animals like dis cat.. she will stretch out her hand.... and the cat never fails to bite each time. -_-"
Well i see that my posts have become random as well!! muahahaha..
until next time.. time for school laio..
praying RIGHT ..left.. centre..

praying RIGHT ..left.. centre..

And when ye pray, ye shall not be as the hypocrites: for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have received their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall recompense thee. And in praying use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
Matthews 6:5 - 8

Friday's prayer evening was unexpectedly fruitful for me.. It gave me a new perspective about God. We would ask at times maybe even complaining:
(oh.. i have prayed why did things not work out? )
( wah i go fellowship but get poor results.. should be tt XXXX person who never attend lo)
( God i trust you so much how can you let this happen )
etc etc

THE POINT IS: we always tend to pray and have a wrong concept about how our prayers will work out. IS GOD WORKING , HELLO?

we "pray" to want God to have things OUR WAY & when things don't go OUR WAY, we blame God for it.

Just to note, a lot of us christians have always been through difficult times when our faith in GOD is shaken (bad results, unexpected failures in relationships etc ). Perhaps one of the greatest hurt felt is tt we feel at times GOD "shortchanged" us. (yes, shortchanged). We might ask God maybe even be angry when things do not work out the way WE WANT it to be.

I like the way the analogy by the pastor:

Think of a father and child at a toy shop with the little dude DEMANDING tt he has that toy no matter what.

Do u think the father does not know what is best for the child? But, out of love he might buy the toy. We are like the little kids complaining what we cant get but God allows things to happen maybe opposite the way we want for a reason. (and maybe we don't know what's that)

To end it off, I like to put up a question many of my non-believer friends might ask:
" If GOD knew what we were alr going to pray? why do we still need to pray then?"
(for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him Matthews 6:8)

answers by the pastor which i find logical:

God knows what we NEED and also what we WANT. But there's a distinction between the two. We might know for sure what we WANT but would any one of us dare to say that we definitely 100% know for sure what we NEED?

And simply because of this, sometimes we might have a list of things to pray FOR WHAT WE WANT ( maybe it should be renamed "wishlist" for some of us ) but just like the father with the kid in the toy store, our Heavenly Father knows what we NEED more, and maybe even when we needed something most but we did not consciously know & pray for it, our Father in Heaven provided His grace for us.

So, all in all, he knows but why we need to pray is because : to deepen the relationship really with God, so that we may enjoy our christian lives and we truly can distinguish what we WANT but not necessary that we NEED & what we truly NEED.

now, I just know one thing, that is I NEED God in my life.
-=heart to serve=- VS -=skills to serve=-

-=heart to serve=- VS -=skills to serve=-

haha.. yea finally back in business..

last few daes down with a bad flu & fever..
Anw, was practising worship songs for crusade Crossroads with Andrea, Charton & Man Pan.. realised its been reallie a long time since i last touched the guitar man!!

Since I am quite new to english worship songs, thank God tt i was able to pick up the songs in like a few hrs.. hope I can use it to honour God.

Last time when i was a new christian, i used to think tt one must have skills like ( piano, guitar, talent for speaking to crowds ).. but if this was true, a lot of us can never serve in ministry..

I think whats really important is the HEART to serve God and our neighbours.. which i sometimes tend to forget.. if we truly put our heart to it, i'm sure we can use whatever God has given us to be of service to him. And likewise, to people, if we start with a sincere heart to care for others I'm sure they can feel it too!

heex okae let's jia you fellow brothers & sisters in Christ!!

random drawings..

Todae went to ADM in NTU... cos met a "long time no see" friend. He's now in ADM( Arts Design Media) and showed me around there todae..

Its a truly nice place to be in.. if i didn't do Chemistry, it would probably be a nice place i would like to be in.

Posters, paintings, sketch books, sculptures & graffitti definitely lets the place stand out from the rest of the schools in NTU. Since there was graffitti on the walls, i decided might as well i add my 2 cents worth too heex.
first.... draw the face shape and eyes.....
looks kinda decent alright!!
the finished rough sketch~~ whoo!!

haha i mux say i do have interest in drawing comic characters.. their traces can be found littering my chemistry notes..( well i must have been too bored in lectures i guess)..

ha lol today sums up a long week.. even as i'm posting now, i'm with my friend in Mac.. studying for Math test next week..

what a tough life we lead~~

shld have chosen ADM instead hahah joking joking. enough crap.. ah!!! i'm lagging behind!!
alright time to get back to some unfinished business... X(((

forensic medicine...CSI???

hey people!!

haha.. today's content is about forensic science.. an area of study tt is of use for solving crimes...i'm sure most of you have heard of CSI, ya?

forensic science is so cool. this principle is the basis: every contact leaves a trace.. so beware where you anyhow lick things like envelopes, $$, ice-cream.. hoho ur DNA is on it..

this is about how people forge lottery tickets.. thinking dey can get away with it.. lols -_-"

So it has been reallie fun & its about looking at evidences gathered from crime scene and finding out what happened, tt is doing a jigsaw without a jigsaw picture to look at.... tt is until the last lecture on wednesday.

its about FORENSIC MEDICINE: the study of the human bodies.. my goodness, some of the pictures shown is reallie gory so i'm not gg to put photo up dun wory haha..

So, what is forensic medicine?? it is about examining bodies to relate to the cause of death, especially if the deceased died of unnatural deaths e.g murder, accidents, etc.. like spore's cases i'm sure u have heard of Huang Na or the Kallang river body parts case..

u guys can take a look at what dey do at this interactive website where u click certain parts of the body dey roughly tell you what they do. haha ladies beware haha bring ur plastic bags along if u wanna vomit, ya? hahaha joking joking.

haha dun wory not much is disturbing.

Hmm i seriously RESPECT the people who are in this profession.. i cannot imagine myself cutting up dead people.. and definitely not handling a dozen a dae!!! haha its not as easy as CSI.. but CSI is quite realistic.. haha Zhao Min is probably the closest person i know to have seen it "live" haha cux he medical student..

haha okae peeps hope u r still able to sleep hahaha~

until next time den

mY Uni days~ whoo..

tuesdays are the worse days ever for semester one~~~ =(
here we are in lecture... 4.30pm to 6.30pm!! i only have this lecture the whole day on odd week tuesdays. on even week tuesdays i needa wait 4 hrs just to attend this lecture!!! ah!!!

this is me & my crusade buddy, justin~~ yea!

yoyo~ the lovely ladies in class from left: Diyana, Tanya & Marie haha.. too bad i know Kwok Kiong would have loved to join us but he went to extract his teeth for putting braces
And, nothing beats having a good meal just to replenish de "killed in battle" brain cells.. YAY!!
haha.. ended up studying a while in the library before going home... tests l8r todae.. den math test coming next week.. seriously i'm thinking of bringing school stuff to chalet on Sat >_<

okae time to go studie again~~ mux jia you alr..
right? wrong? or grey area??

right? wrong? or grey area??

Hmm... doing some random research for my DG discussion tmr on whether christians can engage in activities like:
smoking, clubbing, tattooing, watching certain movies (M18)

To jus summarise it all in short, we as christians should avoid doing these things as mentioned in the bible that we can do ANYTHING, but not all is BENEFICIAL( 1Co 6:12 ). simply because these things may leave a bad testament to non-believers and secondly put us in a situation close to temptations.
1Co 6:12 All things are lawful for me; but not all things are expedient. All things are lawful for me; but I will not be brought under the power of any.
1Co 6:12 凡事我都可行,但不都有益处。凡事我都可行,但无论哪一件,我总不受他的辖制。

1) smoking: bad for health and waste $$.

2) clubbing: place where i'll be reallie close to temptations like social drinking, and maybe sexual as well (the bible tells us that we are not to get drunk [Matthew 24:49; Luke 21:34;Rom.13:13; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:7] & i dun like drinkin anw) somemore paying $20plus to get in and then having music that will blast your ears...

3) tattooing( maybe includes piercing as well) : The Bible says we shouldn’t — Leviticus 19:28
“You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord.”

4) M18 movies: pornography??!! -_-" I think guys we should stay away from it.. it do us no good anyway

hmm i guess all in all, in whatever we do, if we have a hard time convincing ourselves and God that its right, it probably isn't. Moreover, I do not think any of the above activities can let us as christians be a good testimony to non-believers and bring them to Christ... so yea! We should avoid them!!

okae nite ppl~until nex time

Mummy's birthdae!!

todae is Mum's birthday!! whoo!!
we went out for a family dinner with my aunt's family~
hahas.. just a simple dinner so dey declined photo taking but here's what we had..
3 of the dishes included legs of animals!! ( frog's legs, pig trotters, duck drumstick) wonder why??
which reminds me about the times when i was reallie a small kid, i alwaes look forward to such events cos' it means good food (maybe i'm reallie poor XDD) . ha anyway watching my parents through the dinner, i realise they aged alot.. for the sakes of me & my sister i think..... so,
**a tribute to my mum (5 qns I ask myself about her)**
1) decribe your mum in short phrases
erm.. ha naggy, simple, hardworking, loving, happy,
2) what does your mum like most?
haha.. oh no i have no iddea.. haha but she seems to enjoy placing bets on lottery XDD
3) on a scale of 1-10 rate your mum
10!!!! she's my only MUM yay~~
4) what's her favourite quote?
"faster go and eat our meal!!!"
5) the most funny thing that has happened to her (Ops! haha!!!)
haha! oh my gosh!! she decided to go for my sister's graduation ceremony in "auntie" outfit!!
after much persuasion she decided to go for clothes shopping wahaha!!
okae ppl haha tt's all for de dae.
arghx school starts again tmr~
review of my past 21 years

review of my past 21 years


Just realised that it has been a long time since i seriously sat down to reflect on my life..
seems to be in quite a mess... no matter how i look at it: in terms of studies or lifestyle.

...It seems out of focus.

Attended CrossRoads (campus crusade North *yay!!*) last thursday. Was really down because that day i did my physics test & i think i din do so well.. felt discouraged. Haha but i think i took away an important lesson in life that nite.

The message for that night was "SURRENDER"... to God. It seems especially hard to do so because i felt that alot of times i am too caught up with the things happening in life. I feel hurt & discouraged for example when i do badly for exams or test, which in fact makes me more afraid to "surrender" it to God the next time round as i am afraid i will do badly again.

And so most of the time i try to hang on to what I want to have control but make a mess out of it. ( I wonder if you feel this as well ).

The more i try to hang on to something, I think i end up losing it. like DUHH. WHY???????

which is why i think God's message in the bible is sometimes unexplainable in human terms. in fact, it is even exactly opposite of what the world is telling us.. here in the bible is stated:

Mat 16:25 "For whosoever would save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it."

we try so hard in life pursuing goals: money $$$ (WHOO!), fame, happiness, etc, etc but will we really be happy with all this? have we neglected our family members? have we lost our health as a consequence?

surrendering to God is not easy(which means making God the focus of life) and is something i feel i need to do on a daily basis, and i think one thing i noticed is that through it i experienced calmness and peace inspite of whats happening around me. because now i let it go and seems i lost control over it...

but maybe i gained freedom from alot of things as well !!

heex maybe now i long for a simpler life.. as life is too complicated at times.

hope you take a step back to ponder bout your life too, especially when you feel stressed out!
so long ppl, cya next time round.
On thoughts of why naming the blog this way

On thoughts of why naming the blog this way

heart & soul cafe..

What immediately comes to mind is various thoughts and ideas that relate to questions about life. For as long has Mankind has existed, we have grappled the basic fundamental questions about life:

"who am I?",
"where did I come from?",
"what am I doing here?",
"where am I going from here?"

The search for these anwsers has led me to search from within the heart & soul, instead from outside, as we have always been. As stated in the Bible:

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

The discovery begins... as I find out more about myself & this "image" i'm in, and relate to a God who gave this image. This is a journey to find my very own "heart & soul".