In this past year God has brought me on an important journey to find out:
1) It is very much important to know what it entails and mean to follow Him. No turning back =)
2) I have to break out of my own comfort zone after not being in a stable church community for about a year. It became incredibly easy to just walk in to multiple churches without the obligation to join any activities. But God has revealed that it's now time for me to fill that void of community that's vital for my walk with Him.
Yet, when my final semester started I began to sink (literally it felt). And I started to runaway and shrink from the things I felt God entrusted to me because I doubted whether I could handle them.
Matthew 14:22-33 speaks volumes of my feelings and fears of the things ahead. But even more comforting is that God will take us by the hand when we cry out to Him to save us.
Matthew 14:31 says: " Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said,“why did you doubt?”"
Sometimes I wondered, what did Peter doubt? Was he doubting Jesus? Or that he could walk on water like Jesus? Or that the winds and waves would engulf him? Or...? It strikes a Parallel to me that I certainly feel at times that the challenges ahead would take me over.
Today, I again proclaim my trust in God. Yes, I do not know what holds for tomorrow, but I knowit is He who holds my hands.
Again, reading The masculine Mandate and about working and keeping (Gen 2:15), I have decided to take courage again and strength to handle the things God placed in my life.
Prayer pointers:
1) That I would have the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change those I can't and Wisdom to know the difference.
2) I'm going to accompany my dad to checkup on his lungs (apparently doctors diagnosed a dark patch in his lungs and he's scheduled for retrieving some samples for testings) I pray that It would not be something too serious and also that I will be able to take care of him this tuesday.