I feel I do fail God a lot of times as I'm still suffering from "giving up" and also struggling with temptations not to study but God's Love is enduring, He showed me His grace for me this week even as I went through one of the most frustrating weeks (in terms of academic) and also one of the most fruitful (in terms of ministry).
Just this week we had a Blessings project, where I went around the school (along with other fellow Christians) to give out hot beverage on a cold night with some light snacks. That night when I went home I actually lost my wallet. But being too tired out, I did not realise this until the next day. And so, the hunt for the wallet began, with me not pinning much hopes of getting it back. Perhaps the only Blessing in disguise as I thought to myself was that my Matriculation Card (needed for sitting Exams) was not lost as it was in the hands of a Canteen holder whom we placed orders for the hot drinks.
God used this extended time to show and reveal to me once again His heart for the Lost. As I searched for my wallet, I wasn't panicky. Neither was I anxious. But on the journey, God reminded me of what He spoke in the Bible to the Pharisees to reveal God's own heartbeat for something He lost:
This was a series of 3 parables that came one after another to illustrate a single point: That God desires to seek out what He has lost and God is determined and joyful to find it.
The verses are at Luke 15:1-32.
The context of these 3 passages was that the Pharisees saw Jesus sitting down with people deemed unfitting to enter the Kingdom of God: Tax collectors (despised for they worked for the Romans), Sinners (deemed unclean and not to get close to). They were puzzled that Jesus, a man whose powers come from God and is a Rabbi is actually getting CLOSE to these people. Does He not actually know these people are just "not the type" who would enter heaven?
Jesus here spoke not just 1 but 3 parables in a row to Reveal God's own heart to us.
1) The Parable of the Lost Sheep:
a shepherd lost a sheep, and searches high and low, going to great measure to find it back.
And when he found it, he asked his friends to share his joy. Finding 1 lost sheep is even more joyful to be happy than 99 who are not lost...
2) The Parable of the Lost Coin:
a woman loses a silver coin and searches the house carefully to find it. and when he finally finds it, she calls for joy with her friends. Jesus again compares it to the repentance of a sinner that is the joy of the Lord.
3) The Parable of the Lost Son:
Perhaps the most well known, actually, the Father had 2 lost sons. One being the younger who asked for inheritance only to waste it away, returning to his father feeling unworthy to be His fathers son.
But his father had been waiting for him to return, and rejoiced at his return and restored his status as his son. And while his elder son now becomes angry, he also seeks for the elder son initiatively when the elder son fumes and refuses to return to the house.
Here we see God was actually telling the Pharisees that those they saw as worthless are the ones that God wanted to seek out and reconcile with. (Hence 1 sinner who repents over 99 Pharisees who don't need to, also the lost coin). And finally the lost son(s) the father rejoices over whats lost and found more.
God seeks the Lost, who are actually you and me, the people out there who are needing Him one way or another. If I lost my wallet and found it back, I'm joyful, I can imagine the joy of the Lord at seeking and finding His own people He lost through the Fall.
And its reassuring to know one only seeks what belongs to Him. For me, it was my own wallet. But for God, He seeks our own hearts, which belongs to Him. We must therefore mean a lot a lot to God Himself =)