More to come about what I learnt on the trip! Mean while I just touched down so a bit tired. I thank God for the wonderful experience in Nagoya, thanks everyone who helped me through prayer or financial support. I couldn't have made the trip without all of you!

Back from mission trip!
Sorry dear people! been missing in action for a whole month with limited net access from Nagoya Japan. Had a few chance to log on and all I managed was to remove the comments function due to some people posting links to undesirable websites.
More to come about what I learnt on the trip! Mean while I just touched down so a bit tired. I thank God for the wonderful experience in Nagoya, thanks everyone who helped me through prayer or financial support. I couldn't have made the trip without all of you!
More to come about what I learnt on the trip! Mean while I just touched down so a bit tired. I thank God for the wonderful experience in Nagoya, thanks everyone who helped me through prayer or financial support. I couldn't have made the trip without all of you!