Has... something gone wrong somewhere? Maybe. Yes. It has.
Yesterday's baptism class was on "healthy Christian living". That's besides the point but one important thing was brought up which I felt hit the nail on the spot the problem I'm in.
It is "Serving the Lord" and "stewardship".
Serving the Lord can take on 3 perspective. Firstly, one serves the Lord by worshipping Him, because of the fact that He died for us on the Cross. It is out of a response that we serve the Lord in worshipping Him. Secondly, one can serve God in ministries. Ministries can refer to a specific post in church, where you serve, for example church choir, sunday school, etc. Lastly, It is Serving the Lord with OUR LIVES. Each and every single act everyday can be done as a worship to God, and thereby is serving Him, If it is done for God. In general, any act done to glorify God is serving God.
The reverse cannot be said to be true. One can serve in the Church ministry and yet not be serving God because he can be doing it for selfish reasons, for people's praises, for others to see your ability.
After truly reflecting on my problem, I have not been doing EVERYTHING for God. My non-christian friend rightly points out: "You seem to be disciplined in your religion (refering to daily prayer and quiet time), but what happened to studies?" (and it can also happen for other things)
I admit I can't say I'm disciplined in studies... but thats exactly where the problems lie. Everything I have in life is something entrusted to me by God. Why do I separate academics or even other stuff in life by not giving due attention to it? That I'm afraid is my mistake on my part, and I'm glad I saw it when God revealed to me. Everything in life is important, and should be given due attention to.... your family, friends, work....
...and it rightly boils down to a single word "stewardship"
Have I, this caretaker of my life done my job well? Life on the face of this earth is a task God has entrusted each and everyone of us to do. Can I on the day I meet God, say that I have been a good steward of my life, my body, the things he gave me?
Seems that this caretaker is loafing on the job now at least... but its never too late to have a wakeup call..