haha.. look its a SOUTH camp!! but i'm the only NORTH person there (note that this is an NTU South crusade camp) haha.. but I not calefare okae..
Personally, I felt that I was at a spiritual low prior to the camp. Probably was 'cause I knew that I done badly for my Semester exams.. and secondly, my mission trip to Bangkok was cancelled admist all the chaos happening.. =((
I was lamenting alot about what had happened. And I felt I had a RIGHT to grieve and complain to GOD for just what happened. I felt that alot of things was not going right in my way. But I felt after the camp that, truthfully God has His time for everything after the 10.11 camp. Especially so because I felt that He was trying to tell me or rather teach me that I was going the wrong way in my spiritual walk with Him. And I was glad that God put me into the camp.
Well.. back to my lamentations.. OR complains rather to God. (i won't list them) But the crux of it was that it had come to a state of spiritual-low that Ibegan to see things in a very pessimistic view already. I had complained alot alot... to God.. and He seemed silent.
This camp refined my thought of why I decided to follow Christ. And a timely reminder as well. For goodness' sake! God is not our servant! WE are God's servant! Taking a step back, I was really amazed that I complained alot despite being able to GIVE THANKS for alot of other things God put into my life.
Its really about looking at what you have & not what you Don't. If we constantly look at what we lack: we most probably end up complaining. On the other hand, we look at what we have: we are able to be thankful of what we have.
The point is we take what we have for granted most of the time until we just look at what we lack. Since we cannot lose what we did not possess in the first place, why complain not having it?
God has called us into His salvation.. and who are we, as people who are undeserving to complain to him as if we are still the masters of our life? Was it personal pride at work here? But I was glad God showed me just how small I am as compared to the whole of His marvelous creation.
Let us constantly remind ourselves that when we call God our "LORD", its not just a name we call but it means to surrender our lives, dedicated for Him as His servant. God is not someone we order around and complain and demand things done our way. If not, we are the LORDS of our lives. Remember I said that God is not our servant! WE are God's servant! Thats why we call Him the LORD!!!
Before you say out your complain to God next time, are you going to find some things right now in your life that you are able to thank God for?