We are constantly plagued by sins whether we know it consiously or not.
Take a BIG look at the world around us.
Points to reflect:
- how did such a big company such as the Lehmann brothers go bust?
(the abrupt bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the 158-year-old investment bank)
- how did SO MANY people get affected by them going bust?
I felt that it boiled down to a simple human nature: GREED
-people thought a 158 year old bank is reliable & forget that the bank is interested only because of their $$.
-people buy "minibonds" that will pay them interests after e.g 5 years (people are greedy for $$)
The bible tells us explicitly riches of this world are not reliable:
Mat 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth consume, and where thieves break through and steal: Mat 6:20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: Mat 6:21 for where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also.
Its a case of people playing on Others' weakness. Because people are greedy they have lost what they had. They had placed their hearts on the money.
I was bored studying when I stumbled onto this youtube video of Benny Hinn. I suppose a lot of people have heard of him.
Well, U prob heard of the "great" faith healing pastor who heals in the name of Jesus Christ.
He is the one.. who CLAIM to heal (wheelchair bound people, terminal cancer, HIV & aids,)
- well whatever u name it he heals it according to him -
-AND as this video shows, he has absolutely no idea if people ARE healed. ( please watch it )
-people hope to get healed and put their prayer slips & MONEY in envelopes in the hope HE PRAYS for them and yet people find the $$ gone, the prayer slips thrown as garbage.
I do believe in healing power of Christ but its a gift,as the bible do tell us of cases that Jesus healed wherever He went.
If Benny Hinn really has this gift, period, WHY won't he do it free of charge, and for goodness sake walk into Hospitals and LOOK AT HOW MANY NEEDS HEALING????? And would we need hospitals if he can heal on such a large scale?
(and modern faith healing's failure can easily be blamed on the individual's lack of faith)
Is this a case of people preying on others' weaknesses of the heart? I leave the decision to U.
I truly pray for God's grace on all people, who may be playing on other's weaknesses.
And for all those who are being preyed on, for they truly need God.
Please take time to pray if you feel burdened to. =)
God bless.