What should we look for in a Church? The modern world we live in today is often a Consumerists' world. We have been conditioned to be quick to demand, ask and expect thin... Read more
How we say what we say matters. Was just having a bible study group and I thought of the following which I shared with my group with regards to why it is hard to have acc...
Why am I unmotivated? How to get back your desire and motivation Recently been thinking alot about motivation and why I find it tough to find motivations at times. Agree with alot of the points made i...
Why can't Love be simple? "Don't find Love. Give Love." A close lady friend made a remark about relationships: "Why can't it be as simple...
Jesus Christ - He holds my hands, and yours too. One regret was not spending more quality time with Dad before it was too late. Dad and mum looking rather joyful during Chinese New ...
Build your kingdom here - Rend Collective Experiment Stumbled across this band on Youtube with their other song "We Praise You God". This has to be one of the most tale...
"I'm Sad." What? Give thanks? "How can anyone in hardship find praise in God? Yes they can." Life is not (supposed to be) all smooth sailing. I'm go...
The Black Box (in our lives) Yes and wow, it has been actually THIS long since I actually last posted. An incredible 126 days. Alot of things have truly happened in th...
God, I'm so overwhelmed Was pretty overwhelmed and caught sight of this blog post that lifted my Spirits because of God's Word in It. The verses Psalm 61:...
Why it's good to be a Little Child =) Watching on as a bystander, I noticed how a little girl was posing for her Mummy's Iphone Camera.Then, seconds later she was hopping in ...